• RE:Version number
    Forum Post Feb 23, 2010
    Hello. The build number for 5.0.7 hotfix is 3693 (http://devnet.kentico.com/Blogs/Juraj-Ondrus/February-2010/New-Hotfix-5-0-7-%28build-no--3693%29-Released.aspx), so it is correct. Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:Post Upgrade Site Switching issue
    Forum Post Mar 12, 2010
    Hi, Regrettably this was a bug in version 5.0. We are sorry for this inconvenience. This bug was already fixed in the 5.0.10 hotfix package. you can download it from the Bugtracker section. Best regards, Juraj Ondrus

  • RE:Error loading Edit/Design feature of templates
    Forum Post May 5, 2010
    Hello, This seems to be a bug in 5.0 version. Could you please try to apply latest hotfix: http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker/Hotfixes.aspx? It should help. Best regards Ondrej Vasil

  • RE:[5.5.0] Permissions module no longer filters modules, doctypes or custom tables per site
    Forum Post May 28, 2010
    Hello. This bug is already reported and we will try to fix it in the next version, or hotfix file. Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:Pages not inheriting header and body from Master Page
    Forum Post May 28, 2010
    Hello. It is a bug in version 5.5 and it is already fixed in latest hotfix for version 5.5, which is available here: http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker/Hotfixes.aspx Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:Can't create new ASPX templates
    Forum Post Jun 10, 2010
    Hello, Actually this seems to be a bug, fixed in 5.5.1 hotfix. Please apply the latest one: http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker/Hotfixes.aspx I'm sorry for inconvenience. Best regards Ondrej Vasil

  • RE:Webpart Zone Area Dragging not working
    Forum Post Jun 10, 2010
    Hi, Could you please e-mail us - support@kentico.com and we will send you the source code for hotfix. Moreover, could you please e-mail us your company name as well? Thank you. Best regards, Juraj Ondrus

  • Upgrade 5.5 Net 3.5 to .Net 4
    Forum Post Jun 29, 2010
    What are the steps to do this upgrade ? I have two portals one running 3.5 and one 4.0 and I want both the same version to do more easier the hotfix patches. Thanks Sandro

  • RE:editable region issue
    Forum Post Jul 5, 2010
    Hello. Do you use version 5.0 or 5.5? Did you apply any hotfix? Could you please post here whole code of your custom aspx page, or send it to support@kentico.com and refer to this post? Thank you. Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:[5.5.0] Changing document type code name does not rename 48x48 icon
    Forum Post Jul 12, 2010
    Hello, This is bug in current version. I've passed that to our developers and it should be fixed in next hotfix. Thank you for your report. Best regards Ondrej Vasil

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