• Add/remove field of flexible form for different page in page edit mode of Pages application
    Question Jan 20, 2022
    My client wants in project using kentico 12 to be able to add/remove field of flexible form for each different page in page edit mode of Pages application. I don't know if kentico supports extension or something else for this part. It's really hard to support this for the proj...

  • Xperience 13 with portal engine?
    Question Mar 17, 2022
    https://docs.xperience.io/custom-development/extending-the-administration-interface/developing-the-administration-using-portal-engine I am confused with above link. I think it says Xperience 13 cannot use portal engine anymore in other documents. Thanks, Wei Wang

  • How to set dynamic default value for Rich text Editor
    Question Jan 26, 2022
    I am using WYSIWYG Froala for my widget. Now I want it to have default value depend on which page it was on. Can someone please help me this? Also, can I set the default text to be in H1?

  • How to set size for 【Show preview of selected image】
    Question Feb 15, 2022
    I have a pagetype with a field media selector. The 【Show preview of selected image】 is checked and and want to resize the image show here to 120 height. It is not the resize on upload, the image in attachment or media-library will have it normal size, but the image show in pre...

  • Is there a Kentico URL Wildcard Mapping Extension
    Question Jan 25, 2022
    I am migrating a site from a legacy PHP (not WordPress) CMS with a specific URL pattern for categories & products to Kentico 11 webforms. With plans in 2021 to migrate to v13 / MVC! Does Kentico have a helper function or extension that will map URL requests which can be corre...

  • Error 404 of Form Builder tab in Forms application in Kentico 12
    Question Feb 16, 2022
    [Link image error 404](https://postimg.cc/R6TsVZFw) Please help me to resolve this issue for my project. Thanks!

  • Validation rule for Media
    Question Feb 22, 2022
    Hi I would like to add required field validation on Image field. I used the below code and have annotation "Required". Annotation works fine with text field. Do I miss any other setting. I am using Kentico 13 MVC (v13.0.49) Code /// /// Guid of background ...

  • Ampersands in URL being escaped to &
    Question Jan 26, 2022
    I need to include a link go google analytics (in this case in an email Kentico is generating): I have this (you will see I tried a few different options): (Note AppSettingValue is a macro to pull something from the web.config.) However, in the resulting email the...

  • Can't open live site after install successful Kentico 12/13 on local
    Question Feb 21, 2022
    Server Error in '/Kentico12_NewSite' Application. Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately....

  • Use Custom Field with TreeNode
    Question Mar 14, 2022
    The Modal code with the query using the multidocumentquery public List GeneralList { get; set; } // General GeneralList = new MultiDocumentQuery() .Type("Site.Article", q => q .Columns("ArticleID", ...

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