• Smart Search Filter Values sourced from its Smart Search Results
    Question Nov 22, 2018
    I'm new in using Kentico and I would like to know how to source the Smart Search Filter values from its Smart Search Results. Thanks

  • Smart search implementation issue
    Question May 28, 2019
    I am trying to implement the smart search using MVC site in kentico 12, i am not able to implement following the documentation URL https://docs.kentico.com/k12/configuring-kentico/setting-up-search-on-your-website/using-locally-stored-search-indexes Following "Using locally s...

  • Kentico and Collection(EDM.GeographyPoint)
    Question May 8, 2020
    I'm trying to add geolocations to an Azure index and build the type Collection(EDM.GeographyPoint), so i can have multiple geocodes attached to 1 index document. I get this error Message: Creating or updating index 'azurecomplextypestest' failed with the following error: The...

  • ContinuesIntegration.exe taken more than 2 hours for execution
    Question Jun 10, 2020
    I have setup automated build in azure git repository and configure Kentico CIRepository. But ContinuesIntegration.exe have taken more than 2 hours to complete the build process. I have check in my local, ContinuesIntegration.exe is taken only 3 to 4 min to update the database....

  • Error asking to call IPageDataContextInitializer.Initialize method only on cloud host
    Question May 15, 2021
    I'm having a problem where my site runs perfectly locally but when I deploy it to Azure I get the following error on the homepage: InvalidOperationException: Missing page context data. If required use IPageDataContextInitializer.Initialize method to initialize the context man...

  • .net core site active directory
    Question Sep 29, 2021
    I have active directory working on the CMS portion of the site, but wasn't sure what is needed to get it working on the front end. Can someone point me to the documentation to get this set up, struggling to find the info myself.

  • RE:Issue importing site when running on Azure
    Forum Post May 22, 2013
    Hello , I have faced following error with 'Smartsearch' in Kentico 7 Azure. Event ID: 52024 Event type: Error Event time: 5/22/2013 1:31:33 PM Source: Smart search Event code: REBUILD IP address: Description: Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of a...

  • RE:Azure Logo
    Forum Post Jul 23, 2013
    Hi, The Azure logo is placed in the form control ~\CMSAdminControls\UI\Header.ascx, with ID imgWindowsAzure. It is not visible by default and is only set visible if the related Kentico setting and the Azure Application Setting CMSAzureProject are both set to true. Could you...

  • Where did the System.IO namespace go
    Article Nov 22, 2011
    When you search for System.IO namespace in the code of Kentico CMS 6 you won´t find it anywhere. Instead of that, you will find a little different namespace - CMS.IO. In this post I will describe why we changed this and what it means for you. I´ll also finish my talk about sto...

  • Unable to build search index
    Question Sep 18, 2015
    Hi everyone! I have an issue with building search index. I'm running Kentico 8 on Azure as a cloud service. Have CMSApp and SearchWorker roles there, both are running fine according to Azure portal. No web farm. I was able to build index with simple analyzer type, but no luc...

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