• RE:Managing Customizations and Azure
    Forum Post Nov 30, 2012
    It does need a little care in that case, yes. And also, the dev boxes tend to contain a lot of "lorem ipsum" type content when putting a new feature in and testing it; which I see is thankfully and mostly not part of synchronisation. So hotfixes and custom code mods are man...

  • There is not enough space on the disk - Import site
    Forum Post Jun 11, 2013
    I have tried to import Kentico site to Kentico Azure version 7. When importing I'm getting the following error: "Error during temporary files creation. Original exception: There is not enough space on the disk." The .zip size file is 1.5 GB. What can I do?. Thanks.

  • RE:There is not enough space on the disk - Import site
    Forum Post Jun 11, 2013
    Hello, I have dicussed this issue with our Azure team and they have confirmed that you have most probably full TEMP and CACHE. You will need to extend their limits in the service definition file via the property SizeInMB. Please let me know if you do have the available spac...

  • RE:Odd behavior from News Page.
    Forum Post Aug 2, 2013
    Update: My news listings seems to appear and disappear randomly. Starting to think there is something odd with caching. Anyone else have an issue like this. Detail is still not working. I just get sent directly to the news document and no content is displayed. The si...

  • Smart Search indexes not being built
    Forum Post Aug 13, 2013
    I am unable to get any Smart Search indexes to build no matter what parameters are selected, and I'm not really sure how to go about investigating this issue any further. We are using Windows Azure. The weird thing is that indexes work just fine in production, but never in our...

  • RE:Issue importing site when running on Azure
    Forum Post Aug 14, 2013
    Hello, I am a little confused by your post. The SmartSearchWorker defined in the ServiceDefinition file is only defining which setting to use for Search storage and not the location. In the ServiceConfiguration.Local file you can define the local search storage location,...

  • RE:Azure Cloud Services new site template install error
    Forum Post Aug 29, 2013
    Unfortunately this did not fix the issue. I attempted to create a new site using the Ecommerce template and the Intranet template. Both failed giving the same error as above. I was able to create a new site using the Blank Site template. However my goal is to get the Ecommerce...

  • Azure Web Roles - Web Farm
    Forum Post Sep 7, 2013
    We have two web roles which communicate with a single database. In Site Manager --> Web Farms, we see a huge number of web farm entries, one for each deployment that we've had. 1. Is this correct? 2. If no, what can we do to correct this? http://s8.postimg.org/41e...

  • RE:Azure Cloud Services new site template install error
    Forum Post Sep 9, 2013
    Hi, Could you please try to apply latest hotfix (number 52)? We have also encountered similar problem on our machines, but if you apply latest hotfix the error should disappear. Could you please try that and let me know if that helps? Best Regards, Roman Konicek

  • RE:Server error: Page '/ (en-US)' not found.'
    Forum Post Sep 17, 2013
    Yup, thanks for all your help working through this! The solution I found worked. Wrote a full post about it here: http://devnet.kentico.com/Forums/f65/t40490/Kentico-and-SQL-Azure-Transport-Level-Errors.aspx Just in case anyone else finds this looking up the same error.

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