• BizForms - Limit size of uploaded file
    Forum Post Oct 27, 2010
    Hello, I would like to create a bizform and limit the size of a file uploaded on this form. Is there a way to do this on the bizform level (not on the web.config). Thank you, Dimitris

  • Limit widgets per zone
    Forum Post Apr 16, 2012
    Is there a way to limit what widgets are allowed in different user editable zones? So maybe only smaller widgets are able to be added to smaller sized zones and so on.

  • Re: Is there a limit to number of users
    Forum Post Nov 9, 2006
    The number of registered users in thousands shouldn't cause any problem. Best Regards,

  • RE:Limit Downloads to Authenticated Users for Document Attachments
    Forum Post Oct 18, 2010
    Great! Your the best Ivana. ;)

  • Top Tens for Developers
    Article Nov 23, 2015
    In this article, we'll have a look at some statistics. In particular, I'd like to present you with the most discussed Kentico topics, terms developers search for, and the questions they ask.

  • Limit number of tags displayed on tag cloud
    Question Jul 17, 2018
    Is there a way I can limit the number of tags displayed on tag cloud?

  • RE:HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown errors
    Forum Post Dec 17, 2009
    Hi, There are several possible causes of these issue, mostly caused by .Net framework or seetings on app pool. - The application pool in IIS can be set to recycle the application if some limits are exceeded - CPU usage, Memory, idle time. - .Net is restarting applicat...

  • RE:Site speed, recompile, remember me
    Forum Post Jan 26, 2012
    Thanks Jurajo for the info and I expected those would have been your answers. No response from users yet but it works fine from me so I'm assuming they have something like that set to clear/delete cookies. As far as recompilation, I'm not making any changes to any of those...

  • Widget Page Selector - Limit by page type
    Question Oct 22, 2019
    Is it possible to limit the new widget Page Selector by a given page type? I know you can set it to load a specific path using EditingComponentProperty(nameof(PageSelectorProperties.RootPath) but can't see a way to limit by page type. Thanks in advanced, Danny

  • Attachment size limit
    Forum Post Jan 24, 2007
    Hi, Is there a size limit on document attachments? When uploading a 2 mb video file to my document everything is fine, but when I try 4.6 mb file I get the classic "The page cannot be displayed" error message. Cheers, Per

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