• Search in Kentico 13
    Question Apr 22, 2022
    Hi Team, Can some one help me how to Implement Search and Search Suggestions in Kentico 13

  • Unable to Access Unpubished Pages of Kentico13
    Question Jun 13, 2023
    Hello team, I am working on Asp.net core kentico 13 Application.I need assistance with displaying certain pages in my ASP.NET Core application. These particular pages have not been published in Kentico 13, which is resulting in a 404 error when I attempt to access them. Altho...

  • Azure Index update a single field
    Question Dec 18, 2023
    I have a search index with a complex object and would like to periodically update a single field against multiple records, rather than a complete update of that item. Any ideas? Thanks

  • Can you make a custom path selector for use in a widget?
    Question Apr 5, 2023
    A client is complaining about the path selector because it doesn't fully display the name of the pages or have a search bar. From what I can see, there is no way of modifying it, but is there a way of creating a version of the path selector that does have these things? Ideally...

  • Search Index Issue
    Question Jun 8, 2022
    Hi I am running IIs 10, Kentico 13 on asp .net core. I hotfixed my project from version 13.0.70 to 13.0.72 and i am now getting issues with rebuilding my index. Event ID:41850 Event type:Error Event time:6/8/2022 2:49:52 PM Source:Media files usage Even...

  • Is it possible to use parameters in URL instead of query params with content tree-based routing?
    Question Jul 12, 2023
    Hi all! I was wondering if it was possible to tell Xperience 13 with content tree-based routing that the last part of the URL is a parameter to send to the controller. For example, I have a mental health resources directory on a website that is at `/en/resources`. In this dir...

  • Display template not working on production
    Question Aug 15, 2023
    I'm having a weird issue where I have a display template set up for my search results. I have created widget for search results that uses the display template, and everything works on my development site, but the template doesn't show on my live site, I am getting a different ...

  • K12 - make.aspx
    Question Jul 26, 2023
    **Kentico 12 with the latest hot fix (v12.0102)** For the past few weeks, Google is indexing a page on my site that does not exits in Kentico: **make.aspx** followed by a random query string. (Examples: **https://mydomain.com/make.aspx?LinulraY.html**, **https://mydomain.com/...

  • Locating an old alias
    Question Mar 3, 2023
    I’m newer to our company and we seem to have an alias that directs to an outdated PDF stored in our media library. How could I do a search of aliases used on our site to see where this is buried within all our pages? (Our IT person just departed and I’m the marketing guy s...

  • robots.txt equivalent for Kentico 13
    Question Apr 7, 2023
    Hi, I am trying to find a way to exclude a page from search engines in Kentico 13. I can see documentation for earlier versions as how to manage robots.txt (only for portal engine) and I was wondering if there was an equivalent for Kentico 13 Core. Maybe there is a simple opt...

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