• Using S3 Storage Provider on MVC K13 Site Not Working
    Question Aug 20, 2021
    I am using .net core MVC for a frontend website. I have a module that is getting registered on the front end and backend application that is registering the Module that loads the S3 storage provider, but it is not working and I am not sure why. Here is a link to a file that ...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Page Preview 404 Errors: Troubleshooting tips
    Knowledge Base Article Oct 12, 2020
    When building your MVC site with Kentico, it’s possible you may run into page preview 404 or ” VirtualContextHashOrUserValidationFailed ” errors, with the latter message being somewhat misleading as to the cause of the error. Since there are more than a few things to check,...

  • Smart Search Indexes and Media Library not syncing on MVC site
    Question Oct 15, 2020
    I just tried to post this question, but it looks like it's redirecting somewhere else. Sorry for the duplicate! We have a Kentico MVC site that was added to an existing Kentico instance via the site import feature, but the media libraries and the smart search indexes are not ...

  • Kentico MVC 12 - content editors not able to see pages app on dashboard
    Question Jan 14, 2020
    All settings are updated to show the pages application on the dashboard , but none of the Content editors is able to see the pages application. can someone please advise ASAP?

  • Kentico 12 MVC BizForm Email Notification to Different Recipients
    Question Feb 28, 2020
    I've created a Biz Form in Kentico 12 SP that has a Department drop down list. The customer wants an email to be sent to a different person inside the company based on what department the user selects. I easily can setup an email notification for the BizForm on the "Email noti...

  • Windows Communication Foundation error on 12sp MVC site hosted on Azure
    Question Jul 24, 2020
    Hi, I'm getting the error message "Windows Communication Foundation is not configured on the server. Please check our documentation for information on how to configure your IIS." on the steps section of a marketing automation process. I didn't get this error locally but when I...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Smart Search API with multiple indexes
    Question Nov 23, 2021
    We have a Kentico 12 MVC site which features a smart search which is designed to search over multiple search indexes. One issue we are noticing is that sometimes search queries do not appear to be finding matches in all the indexes as expected. For example: we have a site inde...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Anti-Forgery Token and Output Caching
    Question Dec 4, 2019
    Hi, We are currently have a Kentico 12 MVC project which is hosted in a Web Farm. We are also using output caching to improve performance. But recently we are experience an issue with Anti-Forgery Token validation (@Html.AntiForgery()). And this form are not a Form Widget. ...

  • Issues with URL Alias in "Page Builder Type" pages in Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 11, 2020
    I created landing (page builder type) pages with URL Pattern as "/LandingPage/. Our CMS users always looking to create a page with the type of “Page Builder Type”. So that users can create a page with the layout of their own wish and drag & drop the widget they want to the pag...

  • How to display only the options categories of a specific product in MVC
    Question Oct 29, 2020
    So here my question: 1-With the categoryID how can I have access to the option properties list of that category for the 3 types? With this API: OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetProductOptionCategories I can pass the skuid in the parameter and it return some properties like ...

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