• CI for FormBuilder doesn't detect change when modifying an existing form (Kentico 13)
    Question Nov 16, 2023
    Hello, For an unknow reason, the CI doesn't detect any changes when I edit a component of my form in the *form builder* tab. For example, if I change the label of a field in the form builder and then I apply the changes, I can see the change reflected in my front-end site b...

  • Exclude from search not working until manual reindex trigerred
    Question Oct 18, 2023
    Hi, in Kentico, if I click exclude from search in a page general properties, the page is still visible in smart search results, until I manually triggers the reindex of indexes. The job Optimize local search indexes did run, but does not affect the search results. Also anoth...

  • Wanna get better and faster support answers?
    Article Jan 2, 2023
    Sometimes our support has to reply to your tickets with additional questions, and this causes delays. Spending a few extra minutes composing the initial issue submission can save you hours. In this post, I will show you 7 simple things that will save time and help us solve th...

  • K12 - make.aspx
    Question Jul 26, 2023
    **Kentico 12 with the latest hot fix (v12.0102)** For the past few weeks, Google is indexing a page on my site that does not exits in Kentico: **make.aspx** followed by a random query string. (Examples: **https://mydomain.com/make.aspx?LinulraY.html**, **https://mydomain.com/...

  • Scheduled Task run on wrong server
    Question Nov 21, 2023
    During our latest deployment we encountered a rather annoying bug/problem with scheduled tasks. We have two kentico instance servers running, targeting same db, no web-farm. Server Prod1 and Server Prod2. There is a loadbalancer in front. In case one sever is not accessible, ...

  • Web farm name for live site is incorrect
    Question Mar 15, 2023
    Good morning, My live site on development machine does not have the correct name for the web farm. My presentation URL in correctlt set up in the admin site and is https://localhost/MyLive, my virtual path on IIS is /MyLive and I can access my site on https://localhost/MyLiv...

  • Generic Error when visiting Email related pages
    Question Feb 16, 2023
    I've recently inherited a Kentico CMS site running Kentico 10. I have no background with Kentico CMS so this may be a trivial issue. Our users noticed they were getting a generic error page when trying to edit an email template through the interface. When I was clicking around...

  • Assembly errors running on Azure
    Question Oct 17, 2023
    Hi all, We are currently facing the following issue after we deployed our Solution into Azure DevOps: **Server Error in '/' Application.** Could not load file or assembly 'CMS.Base, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=834b12a258f213f9' or one of it...

  • getting the following error while creating a media library in Knetico 13
    Question Jan 31, 2022
    [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: INSERT INTO Media_Library ([LibraryName], [LibraryDisplayName], [LibraryDescription], [LibraryFolder], [LibraryAccess], [LibrarySiteID], [LibraryGUID], [LibraryLastModified], [LibraryTeaserPath], [LibraryTeaserGUID], [LibraryUseDirectPathFo...

  • Kentico Form Radio Buttons with number values not given unique IDs
    Question Oct 25, 2022
    When creating a form which has a radio button list where each button value starts with a number, the buttons are not given unique IDs when rendered on the front-end, which leaves only the first option selectable. Is anybody aware of a fix for this problem? (other than specify...

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