I have a kentico 13.0.142 with an application hosted in IISExpress http://localhost:8011 and an administration hosted in IIS http://localhost:8010
When choose a form component, page goes to Saving... and suddenly LiveSite gets crash down without any exceptions or event log!
Actually in a particular request in FormBuilder, when i choose a form component such as checkbox input to add in form section, administration sends a request to http://localhost:8011 and then my application has crashed down with a network error into browser network tools, (failed)net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED or connection reset or 502 bad gateway.
Request URL: http://localhost:8011/cmsctx/fb/17d13880-d683-4469-b7bf-3bdb4f3e117f/ts/638735297513430046/ea/1/h/eac58311d9833fc800cc4e49a99864fa0fbaa54854d88f94f661d3e034243b7e/-/kentico.formbuilder/configuration/getdefaultproperties/kentico.textinput/5?uh=ca0bbcc8b43408b992fd2a9db7e1bbc77ec7dcd81362e159d532be1e0f994953&administrationurl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8010%2F&uiculture=en-US
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
If it helps, also there is a SignalR connection with different port on page load:
Request Method: GET
Status Code:101 Switching Protocols
I haven't find any other errors in another places: IIS, Visual Studio, Event viewer.
Please help me find error with any tools or anyway. Where should i looking for errors?