Issue with Form builder - makes LiveSite crashing

jamez Rad asked on January 26, 2025 18:52

I have a kentico 13.0.142 with an application hosted in IISExpress http://localhost:8011 and an administration hosted in IIS http://localhost:8010

When choose a form component, page goes to Saving... and suddenly LiveSite gets crash down without any exceptions or event log!

Actually in a particular request in FormBuilder, when i choose a form component such as checkbox input to add in form section, administration sends a request to http://localhost:8011 and then my application has crashed down with a network error into browser network tools, (failed)net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED or connection reset or 502 bad gateway.

Request URL: http://localhost:8011/cmsctx/fb/17d13880-d683-4469-b7bf-3bdb4f3e117f/ts/638735297513430046/ea/1/h/eac58311d9833fc800cc4e49a99864fa0fbaa54854d88f94f661d3e034243b7e/-/kentico.formbuilder/configuration/getdefaultproperties/kentico.textinput/5?uh=ca0bbcc8b43408b992fd2a9db7e1bbc77ec7dcd81362e159d532be1e0f994953&administrationurl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8010%2F&uiculture=en-US

Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

If it helps, also there is a SignalR connection with different port on page load:

Request Method: GET
Status Code:101 Switching Protocols

I haven't find any other errors in another places: IIS, Visual Studio, Event viewer. Please help me find error with any tools or anyway. Where should i looking for errors?

Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on January 27, 2025 04:59

I would start with using SSL/HTTPS - modern browsers started blocking HTTP connections last year like this. Then, I would use latest hotfix and also try reproducing the issue on an out of the box installation and if it will work, compare with yours what is different. And also, check any custom CSP, CORS or other security settings.

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