• getting codenames as titles
    Question Feb 26, 2018
    ![Image Text](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/N4J1JEpWIUpQSXYd7BVrDCM1k_GeffRpnxO9jFjnLaQBRCIYaV9_fywlHXSy2ughr2xosznOICf7G_Dre9xhvF-wpARFntyE2QbcTVGFqFQAYW1Zfj6zgMBCH1rsjFaetRiOaE_ljA=w1219-h511-no) Hi guys , i'm getting codenames as titles. please help me where i did wrong

  • Moderate ad-hoc forum group
    Question Apr 27, 2018
    Hi we want to enable users to comment on our articles. We also want them to be able to comment on other comments. As message board is only a flat structure, we added an ad-hoc forum to our articles. When a user creates a new thread, new forum is created under the ad-hoc forum...

  • Custom Routing Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Jun 6, 2019
    To make the editors happy and the website more SEO friendly also regarding multilanguage I need to implement custom urls or routing. For example to be able to use the Page Alias/Node Alias as a part of the url like this: **https://mydomain/{Page Alias}**. ---------- I just t...

  • No Kentico 12 install on Citrix Virtual Machine Windows 10
    Question Jun 13, 2019
    I tried installing Kentico 12 on the Citrix machine this week. I only get the error listed below. The admin tried installing a higher level of permissions too. Any tips to figure out what is going on? Waiting for installer service to become free Kentico program files are b...

  • Resolving macros inside transformation with parameters
    Question Oct 28, 2014
    I'm having trouble resolving a macro inside of a nested repeater, and I'm running into some interesting behavior. My objective is to determine the appropriate "WhereCondition" for a nested repeater by resolving a macro with the given context: ` ` Here's my custom macro setu...

  • Single Sign On Advice
    Question Sep 3, 2015
    I'm looking for advice an suggestions about SSO for Kentico in a couple of cases: 1). 2 Seperate Kentico web sites hosted on the same server. 2). A kentico website on one server and an internal app on a second Linux server. In both cases authentication should be private and...

  • Failed to delete large size files from Media Library
    Question Dec 11, 2017
    Hi all, I have a website which is hosted on Azure. A timeout error showed up every time I tried to delete a large size file from Media Library (larger 20Mb). It works correctly for small size files. I saw many errors with EventCode are: **CreateVersion, DELETEMEDIAFILE** in ...

  • Kentico 12 Certification Exam Prep
    Question Mar 16, 2020
    I have a question about the Kentico 12 certification exam: Are there any specific prep guides or test exams that my team can utilize to prepare for taking the exam? The only things I can find are old prep guides for Kentico 9 and 10 and it's not very specific, just general gui...

  • OutOfMemory Exception while syncing pages
    Question Mar 23, 2020
    Hello All, I have a page in CMS and 10 attachments for the page, each of 6MB. So totally 60MB attchments for the page. When I am syncing page from staging application, I am getting "System.OutOfMemory" exception. I have increased the Content and request size in both source ...

  • Kentico Smart Search and custom type
    Question May 22, 2017
    I want to use Smart search via api. I have read the documentation here [https://docs.kentico.com/api10/configuration/smart-search](https://docs.kentico.com/api10/configuration/smart-search). I tried to create different types of indexes using the documentation syntax. I checked...

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