• Smart search index returns error
    Question Mar 25, 2019
    Hi Team, I tried to update my page type using this query `UPDATE [dbo].[CMS_Class] SET [ClassTableName] = 'newtablename' WHERE [ClassTableName] = 'oldtablename'; GO` But my search index is still trying to run using the old table name how to change that, do i need to implicitly...

  • Issues with sorting Smart Search Results
    Question Apr 1, 2015
    I just upgraded to 8.2. I have a SmartSearchResults repeater that was sorted by the DocumentLastPublished field. After the upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2, I can no longer sort by this field. It also breaks my relevance score, which doesn't make sense. On a related note, before the u...

  • How to smart search filter by path
    Question Nov 1, 2017
    I'm setting up smart search for our client site. And they want to filter by Path, since there are 3 major, what they are calling "Categories" that documents can be in. https://pasteboard.co/GRDE1FG.png ;;Category Our-Company;Our-Company;Our Company Resources;Resources;Resour...

  • Smart search: Issues with "-" in some queries
    Question Jun 3, 2019
    **Settings:** Smart search type = Local index Smart search analyzer type = Subset Smart search box: search options = None ---------- **Summary:** Some of our products' model numbers have hyphens. We are having issues returning some of them in smart search. Below are seve...

  • Smart search on files in Content tree
    Question Feb 21, 2020
    I have a folder with some pdf files in content tree and I am using smart search indexes to search through the folder for my users, however I am not able to read content to display as search highlight in transformation, it only searches through the name of the file and highligh...

  • Smart Search, Custom Highlighted Results
    Question Oct 22, 2021
    Hi, I need help in returning custom results to the user when they search a term using Kentico Smart Search. For Example the user searches: Home I would then like for the result to look like this: ***Home*** This is the **home** page… This functionality would need to: 1...

  • Predictive smart search without postbacks
    Article Aug 26, 2014
    A lot of modern websites today feature a predictive search in the header of each page. I would bet that your website too has a search box at the top of every page. This gives the visitor a convenient way on how to search your website from anywhere. This functionality comes wit...

  • Smart Search Filter with wild card search.
    Question Jun 8, 2017
    Im trying to search a field to see if it contains my search value. This is my smart search filter value is Author;"*mkgraff*"; M. K. Graff The field in the database is as follows: Author: mkgraff|madeleinemysko|carolpouliot Thansk in advance

  • smart search filter add a keyword to search results
    Question Nov 7, 2017
    I want to filter the smart search results by adding another keyword to the search, is it doable with smart search filter? if so, what will I have to add to the where condition?

  • Smart Search Button with Font Awesome icon
    Question Feb 26, 2018
    Hi, Im very new to kentico development wise and I'm trying to work to a design given to me. I'm currently trying to tie up the smart search web part to show as a text input with a font awesome search icon as the button (with no button text). Is there any easy way to do this?...

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