• CSS position relative and Drag and Drop
    Question Mar 4, 2014
    I've had an issue with web parts being wildly out of position when I use the drag and drop interface on the design tab in both CMS Desk and Site Manager. I thought it was a conflict with one of my javascript files, but it turns out it was because the container those web parts...

  • What’s New in the Kentico Marketplace?
    Article Mar 11, 2015
    There are many new and interesting items that can be found in our Marketplace so let's take a look at some of them in more detail. You may find that one item you have spent many days and weeks searching for!

  • Why are certain built-in files excluded from the Kentico 8.1 projects?
    Question Nov 19, 2014
    I noticed that a few files aren't included in any of Kentico 8.1's three projects: - \App_Themes\Default\Bootstrap\close.less - \App_Themes\Default\CMSComponents\mass-actions.less - \CMSAdminControls\CKeditor\plugins\CMSPlugins\images\InsertImageAttachment.png - \CMSAdminCont...

  • Web Parts with custom Zone
    Question May 15, 2018
    So I am trying to create a web part that has a zone into it. Basically, I have a web part that I want to create a zone that I can allow it to be a widget so that a user could edit certain properties. This way an admin could add the web part, and then give the user the abilit...

  • Icon Class Selector
    Marketplace Item Jun 21, 2017
    Icon Class Selector is an extension which allows developers to pick icons (icon classes) more easily through an integrated user interface.

  • BIND Tuning
    Marketplace Item Oct 19, 2011
    Fully customizable several skins for your Kentico CMS website.

  • What’s New in Kentico Marketplace?
    Article Jul 18, 2017
    Let's take a look at the latest additions to the Kentico Marketplace!

  • How do you make a zone appear for responsive site?
    Question May 19, 2014
    Hi, I'm working on a responsive site. I need to add a zone and therefore a web part to the part that will display in a mobile phone width. When I add the zone in the layout view and then flip to the design view I can't see the zone to add the web part to. Have you ever encount...

  • SSL Offloading Issue
    Question Sep 10, 2014
    I am working on a new installation of Kentico 8.1 as a web application. We have an SSL accelerator that sits in front of the sites. I created a SSLRequestLoader.cs class per this document(https://docs.kentico.com/display/K81/SSL+accelerator+support), however, the included st...

  • Boostrap 3 - How can you implement into a masterpage?
    Question Dec 11, 2014
    I am currently setting up a new blank masterpage for a website and would like to use the latest bootstrap version 3.3. When I view the site as a live preview it shows up incorrectly because of the styles that are used by the administtation area. I also run into problem when us...

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