Join with where condition is not working

joyanta sen asked on May 21, 2018 18:46

Hi, I am trying to get the SubscriberId from the following join, but it is returning Null.

   **var subscriberID = UserInfoProvider.GetUsers()                                .Source(user => user.Join<ContactInfo>("CMS_User.UserID", "OM_Contact.ContactOwnerUserID")                                .Join<SubscriberInfo>("OM_Contact.ContactID", "Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID")                                )                                .WhereEquals("CMS_User.UserID",  userInfo.UserID)                                .Columns("Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberID").Distinct();**

But when I try to see the query of the join, I notice the following, even I am passing the value of userInfo.UserID.

SELECT DISTINCT Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberIDFROM CMS_User INNER JOIN OM_Contact ON [CMS_User].[UserID] = [OM_Contact].[ContactOwnerUserID] INNER JOIN Newsletter_Subscriber ON [OM_Contact].[ContactID] = [Newsletter_Subscriber].[SubscriberRelatedID]WHERE CMS_User.UserID = @CMS_User_UserID

Where from @CMS_User_UserID is coming and why it is not taking the value of passing UserId? Please help..


Recent Answers

Trevor Fayas answered on May 21, 2018 19:59

It is probably taking it from

.WhereEquals("CMS_User.UserID", userInfo.UserID)

Can you confirm that the user info exists and it has a user ID on it?

Can you also confirm that if you do pass the user ID that rows are returned (copy the SQL statement and see if it works in SQL management studio). It could be one of the joins is causing no rows to return.

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joyanta sen answered on May 21, 2018 21:17 (last edited on May 21, 2018 21:20)

Hi Trevor,

Thanks for your response. UserInfo is there and UserId is also exists. And yes when I replace @CMS_User_UserID with the value in SQL I get the data.

When I do like below I am getting the data. Don't know why the first one is not working.
.Where("CMS_User.UserID=" + userInfo.UserID)

Now I change the query to like below and it is working.

  .Source(user => user.Join<ContactInfo>("CMS_User.UserID", "OM_Contact.ContactOwnerUserID")                            .Join<SubscriberInfo>("OM_Contact.ContactID", "Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID")                            )                            .Where("CMS_User.UserID="+userInfo.UserID)                            .Columns("Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberID").Distinct();


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joyanta sen answered on May 21, 2018 21:46

Hi Trevor,

But I will be happy to know why the other one is not working...


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Trevor Fayas answered on May 21, 2018 22:08

Very interesting...yeah i would like to know too! It may be a bug, my guess is for some reason it wans't passing the @CMS_User_UserID parameter, good debugging though that you used the normal .Where("") instead of the WhereEquals to test.

I would report it to Kentico if you are on Version 11, if you are before version 11 then reporting hte bug may not do much good unless you can confirm it's still an issue in version 11.

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joyanta sen answered on May 21, 2018 22:20

Yes this is happening in Kentico11.


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Rui Wang answered on May 21, 2018 22:27 (last edited on May 21, 2018 22:27)

How is your userInfo in WhereEquals("CMS_User.UserID", userInfo.UserID) been defined?

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joyanta sen answered on May 21, 2018 23:04

Hi, This is the code I have written.

UserInfo userInfo = UserInfoProvider.GetUsers().WhereEquals("UserGuid", userRegistrationInfo.UserGuid).FirstOrDefault();

    var subscriberID = UserInfoProvider.GetUsers()                                .Source(user => user.Join<ContactInfo>("CMS_User.UserID", "OM_Contact.ContactOwnerUserID")                                .Join<SubscriberInfo>("OM_Contact.ContactID", "Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID")                                )                                .WhereEquals("CMS_User.UserID",  userInfo.UserID)                                .Columns("Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberID").Distinct();
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Rui Wang answered on May 22, 2018 16:59 (last edited on May 22, 2018 17:10)

I also tried this and get the same result as your initial one. You may want to submit this to our support team and log it.

Where("CMS_User.UserID", QueryOperator.Equals, userInfo.UserID)
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Rui Wang answered on May 22, 2018 20:13 (last edited on May 22, 2018 21:03)

@joyanta got some more information for you. The query generated by the API contains the parameter to prevent SQL injection. (

Response.Write(UserInfoProvider.GetUsers().Source(user => user.Join<ContactInfo>("CMS_User.UserID", "OM_Contact.ContactOwnerUserID").Join<SubscriberInfo>("OM_Contact.ContactID", "Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID")).WhereEquals("CMS_User.UserID", userInfo.UserID).Columns("Newsletter_Subscriber.SubscriberID").Distinct().ToString(true));

By adding the true to the ToString, it will expand the parameter and show the real value. In your case, did the API not work?

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joyanta sen answered on June 13, 2018 18:56 (last edited on June 13, 2018 18:58)

Hi, Sorry for late response.. you mean to say passing true in the string. If so I am still not getting the value in the query.

string str = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments() .Types("CMS.BookingEvent") .Path(parentPath) .OnSite("Test") .Culture("en-us") .WithCoupledColumns().ToString("true");


SELECT * FROM View_CMS_Tree_Joined AS V WITH (NOLOCK, NOEXPAND) INNER JOIN CONTENT_BookingEvent AS C WITH (NOLOCK) ON [V].[DocumentForeignKeyValue] = [C].[BookingEventID] AND V.ClassName = N'CMS.BookingEvent' LEFT OUTER JOIN COM_SKU AS S WITH (NOLOCK) ON [V].[NodeSKUID] = [S].[SKUID] WHERE [NodeSiteID] = @NodeSiteID AND ([NodeAliasPath] = @NodeAliasPath AND [DocumentCulture] = @DocumentCulture)


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