Trevor Fayas Senior Software Engineer - Kentico Xperience MVP

Trevor Fayas Senior Software Engineer - Kentico Xperience MVP at Kentico Software

Fast, Efficient, and coded well, Kentico has been my platform of choice for years. I am a Software Engineer with Heartland Business Systems, with dozens of Kentico sites under my belt, both small quick sites, ecommerce sites, School / College Sites, and global corporate sites. I've also crafted many Webparts and Form Tools in the Marketplace. Ask me anything!

Trevor ranks #6 in the community leaderboard with total of 4910 reputation points.

Upgrading Kentico 12 Portal to Kentico Xperience 13

Trevor Fayas    —       —    Featured Article

With Kentico 12 Portal Engine's support ending this year, many clients are left wondering what to do with their sites.  Now there is an upgrade path to preserve not only your structured content, but also your widgets / template configuration data as well thanks to Heartland Business System's free KX12 to 13 Converter.

Get Started with the Kentico Xperience 13 Baseline Site

Trevor Fayas    —       —    Featured Article

Kentico Xperience provides the tools and APIs to build a great websites, and has the Dancing Goat site to explore ways of doing things, however if you're looking for a starting point that has all the basic features you need to get your project started, then the Baseline is a great choice to get going on your next project.

Enabling Feature Folders in Xperience 13 MVC.Net Core

Trevor Fayas    —       —    Article

Many developers love MVC, but hate having all the peices of their code scattered throughout their solution.  Feature Folders allow you to store your Models, Views, and Controllers (or ViewComponents) in a single folder, keeping your structure organized and neat.  This article provides the code to take full control over your structure in general, and View Paths in specific.

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