Does content rating affect search relevancy?

Tom Troughton asked on May 13, 2015 18:27

Hi. Does anyone know if using the Content rating web part affects search relevancy in any way? e.g. higher rating pages boosted in results.


Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on May 13, 2015 19:41

If your talking about search relevancy using Smart Search the answer is "it could" but not out of the box. You'd have to create a custom smart search provider to do the work for you and then add to the weight by checking the rating for that document.

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Recent Answers

Charles Matvchuk answered on May 13, 2015 19:01

No it doesn't.

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Rui Wang answered on May 13, 2015 19:29

Some of the things that I know would affect the search relevancy scores are metadata title, description, keywords

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Trevor Fayas answered on August 10, 2015 21:15

What you can do is override the Smart Search Content indexer (see example below), find the Content Rating for the document and add it as a searchable field. Then add a hidden Smart Search Filter that adds boosted weights based on the Rating, like the below:

ContentRating('five')^2 ContentRating('four')^1.5 ContentRating('three')^1 ContentRating('two')^.5 ContentRating('one')^.25

This would add heavier weights to higher rated content.

using CMS.Base;
using CMS.DocumentEngine;
using CMS.Membership;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public partial class CMSModuleLoader
    /// <summary>
    /// Attribute class for assigning event handlers.
    /// </summary>
    private class SmartSearchContentLoaderAttribute : CMSLoaderAttribute
        /// <summary>
        /// Called automatically when the application starts.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Init()
            // Assigns a handler to the GetContent event for pages
            DocumentEvents.GetContent.Execute += OnGetPageContent;

        private void OnGetPageContent(object sender, DocumentSearchEventArgs e)
            // Gets an object representing the page that is being indexed
            TreeNode indexedPage = e.Node;

            // Checks that the page exists
            if (indexedPage != null)

                // Get the content rating here
                float ContentRating = GetThePageContentRating(e.Node);

                string WordContentRating = "";
                if(ContentRating >4) {
                        WordContentRating = "five";
                } else if(ContentRating >3) {
                        WordContentRating = "four";
                } else if(ContentRating >2) {
                        WordContentRating = "three";
                } else if(ContentRating >1) {
                        WordContentRating = "two";
                } else {
                        WordContentRating = "one";
                } else
                // Adds the value as a searchable/filterable/weightable field
                e.SearchDocument.AddGeneralField("ContentRating", WordContentRating), true, false);

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