Set the properties, map from original custom fields, field names on right are what your custom document type fields are :
newProduct.SKUName = doc.DocumentName;
newProduct.SKUPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(doc.GetValue("Price"), 5000);
newProduct.SKUDescription = ValidationHelper.GetString(doc.GetValue("Description"), string.Empty);
newProduct.SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.EProduct;
newProduct.SKUAvailableItems = 2000;
newProduct.SKUValidity = ValidityEnum.Days;
newProduct.SKUValidFor = 2;
newProduct. ??? (e-product file)
newProduct.SetValue("SKUShortDescription", ValidationHelper.GetString(doc.GetValue("Description"), string.Empty));
for set e-product file in the above code what code I should use?
please help me.