Bug reports Found a bug? Post it here please.
Version 6.x > Bug reports
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Facebook Connect Webpart doesn't work in IE dmitry.k-markerstudio
10 2502 kentico_jurajo
(1/30/2013 1:26:54 AM)
Creating Licensed Addon - Like WebParts, Modules etc. Getting HRESULT: 0x80131040 layek.suman-gmail
2 1604 kentico_radekm
(12/17/2012 12:47:14 AM)
Web Analytics not working byronjames
2 1926 kentico_martind2
(12/10/2012 7:31:50 AM)
Windows Live ID login dmitry.k-markerstudio
5 1757 dmitry.k-markerstudio
(12/2/2012 2:24:30 PM)
CMSDesk reloads after installing hotfix Alex.Gorbunov
1 1461 Alex.Gorbunov
(11/30/2012 9:32:40 AM)
Media Library File Update issue rwatters@csiinc.com
2 1668 kentico_radekm
(11/9/2012 6:48:28 AM)
max length validation kobkan.courtney-kit
3 1785 kobkan.courtney-kit
(10/25/2012 7:22:00 PM)
js error in cmsdesk objc-hotmail
4 2275 kentico_martind2
(10/12/2012 6:58:09 AM)
CMS File Uploader ankit123-yahoo.co
2 1487 kentico_jurajo
(10/9/2012 9:37:38 AM)
Windows Live ID login / logout dmitry.k-markerstudio
2 2443 kentico_martind2
(10/5/2012 11:27:38 AM)
Windows 8 / IE10 Yehuda
5 3597 Yehuda
(10/4/2012 2:34:55 PM)
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. hungquang_itsyad-yahoo.com
2 14693 kentico_radekm
(10/4/2012 7:32:00 AM)
Time zone in outlook events Chanan
6 6521 kentico_ivanat
(10/1/2012 7:04:20 AM)
Broken 6 documentation Gatecrasher
2 1364 kentico_borisp
(9/18/2012 5:21:33 AM)
System Error: Failed to load dialog parameters spectro-jarlen
13 6743 kentico_ivanat
(8/23/2012 12:04:26 PM)
SiteManager > Document Type > Field Exception DahlinDev
3 1845 kentico_edwardh
(7/20/2012 2:28:02 PM)
Unable to upload new template icon Giuliano
4 1428 Giuliano
(7/18/2012 8:36:18 AM)
Flickering issue with Silverlight Propertygrid priya.halingale-saggezza
2 1604 kentico_borisp
(7/17/2012 3:56:08 AM)
Method ResolveBBCode has invalid number of arguments szarouski
4 1899 kentico_michal
(6/28/2012 2:42:44 AM)
ADImport.exe ars
2 2393 kentico_jurajo
(6/19/2012 6:15:11 PM)
1 2 3 4 5