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Version 6.x > Bug reports > CMSDesk reloads after installing hotfix View modes: 
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Alex.Gorbunov - 11/30/2012 9:32:40 AM
CMSDesk reloads after installing hotfix
I am not sure that this is a bug. But it appears after the installing of last hotfix (6.0.58).

CMSDesk doesn't load itself fully. The header is loaded, but after this some parts of desk (not the whole page) start to reload and the title of the page changes permanently. I've investigated that this is caused by CMSModules\Content\CMSDesk\menu.aspx .

There is a javascript after #currentMode input with location.replace(location).
I've commented out body of AddScript method in cs (I thought script was placed in ltlScript literal) and CMSDesk started to load properly.

In which cases this script appear in menu.aspx ? Was it caused by the latest hotfix or I've done something wrong before ?

Thanks, Alex