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Version 6.x > Bug reports >  Flickering issue with Silverlight Propertygrid View modes: 
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priya.halingale-saggezza - 7/4/2012 12:04:10 PM
Flickering issue with Silverlight Propertygrid

I have a silverlight5 web application,which has a property grid.
it works fine in web browser,
When i integrate it with kentico,I have a flickedring issue on mouseover.
some thimes I see the propertygrid and sometimes it disappears on mouse over
Help required urgently.

Version *: 6.0
Hotfix version: (none)

Development model: Both

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 7/17/2012 3:56:08 AM
RE: Flickering issue with Silverlight Propertygrid

We haven't had such an issue with our silverlight applications. There is a sample application implemented in the E-Commerce sample site, so I would recommend you to check it out there. Additional information can be found in our blogs section. For information about data communication in silverlight please check this blog post.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko