New features Please use as the primary place to submit your suggestions and allow others to vote for your ideas!
Version 4.x > New features
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Post your suggestions at Petr Palas
1 5795 Petr Palas
(11/17/2009 2:29:09 AM)
Multiple words in blog tags are saved as single words Sophia
4 5931 annaharris170-gmail
(5/4/2013 7:59:11 AM)
Content Slider - Numbers
16 26587 kentico_helenag
(5/5/2012 7:26:18 AM)
Bizform Export and Import AP-Kentico
7 7385 kentico_mirekr
(2/18/2012 8:51:18 PM)
BCC field for Bizform emails polarwarp-gmail
5 5947 madhavi-msinteractive
(11/11/2011 10:23:25 PM)
Email Newsletters Mercer
4 6310 kentico_jurajo
(7/26/2011 2:54:07 AM)
Intranett dokument search rvanoord-allmail
2 4133 kentico_borisp
(5/13/2011 5:58:49 AM)
Editable Image - allow link url's mike.irving-silkmoth
6 14373 brien-anca
(2/20/2011 6:53:10 PM)
How do i add youtube in Media gallery on kentico? Harish
4 8478 sabrina.cameron-rogers
(12/15/2010 3:18:57 PM)
RSS Reader from external website
6 5321 kentico_ivanat
(12/2/2010 4:44:37 AM)
LogonForm default "From" email address Steve-Appetere
4 7195 kentico_radekm
(11/24/2010 4:50:48 AM)
Bizform - Clone Field jpk
3 4948 Scott
(1/14/2010 8:21:45 PM)
Per-site categories mwinningham-global-id-group
5 5628 kentico_helenag
(12/17/2009 7:38:54 AM)
Selectable number of items per page jembry-eriinc
2 4502 kentico_helenag
(12/11/2009 7:59:58 AM)
Using custom favicon for all page types Steve-Appetere
3 10180 kentico_ondrejv
(12/2/2009 11:50:53 AM)
CK Editor Also-Media
2 5532 kentico_ondrejv
(11/18/2009 1:00:45 PM)
Bizform feature requests DesignByOnyx
4 6184 kentico_martind
(11/10/2009 6:50:27 AM)
e-commerce item comparison
2 6790 kentico_martind
(10/20/2009 9:17:14 AM)
Class attribute for e-mail links Mufasa
2 3996 kentico_martind
(10/14/2009 12:04:44 PM)
Document Attachments kiza_soza-hotmail
4 10090 kentico_helenag
(10/6/2009 7:38:00 AM)
1 2 3 4