New features Please use as the primary place to submit your suggestions and allow others to vote for your ideas!
Version 4.x > New features
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Minimum Order Quantity dave-hssport
2 2972 kentico_ondrejv
(9/23/2009 2:22:05 PM)
Y-slow and Google Page speed Jezza
2 2753 kentico_martind
(9/22/2009 3:46:19 AM)
Friendly URLs made to act like Permanent URLs Kristina
7 5005 kentico_jurajo
(9/22/2009 3:28:13 AM)
Permanent URLs for media/attachments, but not for documents Josh Larios
3 4821 kentico_mirekr
(9/20/2009 4:00:58 AM)
New Page -> Default Template Category ryan.wheale-gmail
4 6531 kentico_zbysekn
(9/4/2009 4:09:46 PM)
Abuse Report Notifications Steve-Appetere
2 4460 kentico_helenag
(8/18/2009 6:13:58 AM)
New Features in Kentico 4.x pranay.puranik1-gatesix
3 1985 pranay.puranik1-gatesix
(8/6/2009 1:43:02 AM)
Remember path in document selector dialog Mufasa
2 2469 kentico_zbysekn
(8/4/2009 6:48:03 AM)
Ehancement to Exception Logging Steve-Appetere
3 4506 kentico_jurajo
(7/27/2009 3:24:02 AM)
Templated Form Controls Steve-Appetere
2 2228 kentico_zbysekn
(7/20/2009 8:27:30 AM)
Understanding the new Category Module ralph
15 14722 kentico_helenag
(7/20/2009 5:46:58 AM) Mufasa
5 2977 Mufasa
(7/15/2009 1:19:34 PM)
Quick Copy Documents (images/file) from one language to another srizzetto-microgate
8 4901 kentico_helenag
(7/9/2009 9:34:02 AM)
Search Analytics ctaleck IPAGlobal
2 1991 kentico_jurajo
(7/3/2009 3:11:49 AM)
Club Sample Site mark.scott-tevaneuro
2 1735 kentico_mirekr
(7/2/2009 7:13:24 AM)
Sorting Media Library bluerhino_avanmeter
2 1873 kentico_pavelk
(7/2/2009 6:01:30 AM)
Integrating Kentico CMS with Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) Halim
3 2823 mark.scott-tevaneuro
(6/25/2009 3:42:52 PM)
Google Maps - Enhancements polarwarp-gmail
2 2049 kentico_jurajo
(6/25/2009 2:52:56 AM)
E-commerce 'items' random0xff
4 2528 kentico_jurajo
(5/29/2009 7:06:00 AM)
extjs integration main-it
2 3131 kentico_radekm
(5/27/2009 5:55:13 AM)
1 2 3 4