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Version 4.x > New features > LogonForm default "From" email address View modes: 
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Steve-Appetere - 6/16/2009 8:15:42 AM
LogonForm default "From" email address

In CMSWebParts/Membership/LogonForm, the default "from" email address is hard-coded around line 59 as:

return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(this.GetValue("SendEmailFrom"), ""), "");

How about changing this to:

return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(this.GetValue("SendEmailFrom"), SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress"));

which is what the RegistrationForm uses. This avoids a hardcoded email address in the ASPX page, which is not good for maintenance.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_jakubo - 6/16/2009 11:10:20 AM
RE:LogonForm default "From" email address
Hi Steve,

Thank you for your notice. You are right, hard-coded email in web part property is not good. We will change it in nearest version.

Best regards,

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kyle.kraus-thefoodgroup - 10/18/2010 3:15:52 PM
RE:LogonForm default "From" email address
i had the same issue. i have modified the page, yet the changes are not reflected on the emails that they system is sending. i have stopped & started the "site" and have cleared the cache & click on restart application. still is trying to send from admin@. what do i need to do so the email address change is reflected on the "lost password" email that Kentico CMS sends out?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 11/24/2010 4:50:48 AM
RE:LogonForm default "From" email address

E-mail address from what forgotten password e-mails is sent can be set in Site Manager -> Settings -> (select web site) -> Security -> Send password e-mails from property.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik