Jamie Leask

Jamie Leask Kentico

Kentico Support Engineer

Jamie ranks #728 in the community leaderboard with total of 0 reputation points.

  • Member since July 2018

Introduction to Xperience MVC/Core Architectural Best Practices for Larger Scale Solutions

Jamie Leask    —       —    Article

This article will introduce best practices for larger scale Xperience projects, both in MVC 5 and .NET Core. It will touch on different solution architectural setups from a high-level perspective and explain some advantages and disadvantages to each one. It will demonstrate proper separation of concerns for these architectures and give a glimpse into the benefit of using patterns. It will show high-level proofs of concepts to demonstrate how this can be achieved with Xperience, rather than going into detailed examples. When you would like to build upon these sample pieces, we have some fantastic training modules dedicated to this, which goes into full step-by-step implementation. There is also a fully built-out solution, the Medio Clinic site, which we would recommend as the next step The Kentico Xperience 13 training website.

Kentico 12 MVC Page Preview 404 Errors: Troubleshooting tips

Jamie Leask    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

When building your MVC site with Kentico, it’s possible you may run into page preview 404 or ” VirtualContextHashOrUserValidationFailed ” errors, with the latter message being somewhat misleading as to the cause of the error. Since there are more than a few things to check, this article will equip you with troubleshooting tools preparing you for battle with the page preview errors.

Testing Locally With Contact Geolocation and MaxMind

Jamie Leask    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

In this short article, I will give you a quick and easy way to test your project communication with MaxMind database locally, without the need for a publically accessible instance or proxy server of some kind which would normally be needed for accurate testing of Contact location. This test was conducted on Kentico 12 instances but should work in all supported versions. This setup will show you if MaxMind is returning data right out of the gate and will also provide you with some general setup tips for MVC and portal engine sites. 

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