Radek Matej

Radek Matej

Radek ranks #730 in the community leaderboard with total of 0 reputation points.

Removing web parts

Radek Matej    —       —    Article

We decided to remove a small subset of our web parts in Kentico 9. Which web parts we plan on removing and why? What should you do if your favorite web part is one of them?

Fighting Featuritis

Radek Matej    —       —    Featured Article

As a product grows, most of the outcome lies in the ability to solve even more of the customers’ problems. There’s a dark side to this approach, though.

Say hello to pages

Radek Matej    —       —    Featured Article
Ease of use and learnability for non-technical users — that's one of the things we care about in Kentico. We started with a major redesign in Kentico 8, in which new navigation and design were accompanied by many usability improvements. Based on massively positive feedback from our partners and customers, we concluded that this was the right thing to do. And we continued with this theme in Kentico 8.1.

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