Jakub Kadlubiec

Jakub Kadlubiec

Jakub ranks #730 in the community leaderboard with total of 0 reputation points.

What to do when Web Analytics reports a lot of visits from the “Yahoo!Slurp” browser?

Jakub Kadlubiec    —       —    Article
Visitors coming to the site from Internet Explorer 11 are sometimes being logged as if they came from the “Yahoo!Slurp” browser. For some of you, this may be an issue and this article will show you how to fix it. The reason for an incorrect browser being logged is that IE11 came out later than ASP.NET, thus ASP.NET cannot recognize it. Long story short: install the latest patches for ASP.NET and the issues will go away.

Kentico 8 Technology – Tracking Activities and Conversions from JavaScript

Jakub Kadlubiec    —       —    Article
This article is going to show you how to extend Kentico’s tracking capabilities in terms of Activities and Conversions. Kentico tracks the majority of user’s actions on a site straight out-of-the-box, but sometimes that in itself is simply not enough. A Visitor can perform several actions on a web entirely on the client-side, and those actions are generally not tracked by default. After reading this article, you will be able to track these actions as Activities or Conversions.

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