I have a request from our marketing team to differentiate two types of type in the pages list. A few possible ideas are: 1. Color-coding the text of the page title 2. Tags? Adding a tag pill to the...
Very recently our Kentico Admin in production environment displays @500 - Internal server error@. In our Stage and Dev environments this does not occur, only Prod. When we view it in console we see...
Dear Sirs, We are developing a new portal using Kentico MVC v12.0.51. Initially our portal was setup to use two cultures: Greek (el-GR) and English (en-US). Also, we have entered several Resource s...
Dear sirs,We are developing a multi domain solution using Kentico v12.0.51 MVC. In more detail, we have set up our three different domains as three separate Kentico sites. (In our development envir...