We have encountered an issue with the @Code Name@ field in the form component. When selecting the @Enable option to automatically pre-fill code names@, the field returns the value AUTO instead of t...
I've added a new custom field to the Order Address class in the E-commerce Module. We already had 2 other custom fields there.In code, I am trying to set the value using the below code example:addr...
I am trying to call in a field from a parent view model into a child view model. To get the hero image from the parent page to the child page. By itself, this method of calling in the hero image fr...
Hi there,just a quick question. I am trying to input excel data into Kentico custom table based on the fields which are already there to save me extending the model every time they change the excel...
Hello guys,I want , when the user will click on a button to show multiple fields under of the form.Any good solution? Thank you!
I am currently using Azure Search to index pages and everything is working wonders. However, I would like to be able to sort by documentpublishfrom which is a kentico field and is not sortable in t...
On a new Kentico site I am running I have some missing sub menus when editing page types. Importantly I am missing fields.Any tips? ThanksMissingNormal
I'm setting up a macro rule with a few parameters. I have one parameter that displays as a dropdown list, with options sourced from the Kentico database via SQL query, and I want to limit the opti...
We created have suddenly noticed that when you go into the Page Types application when you view an individual page type after creation the 'Fields' and 'Layout' tabs are missing. How have we made t...
I have a content only page type with some custom fields. The page types are children of a container page type. 2 questions:How does Kentico determine the field that will be used as the display name...