• Migrate existing media library files in an Azure Web App to Azure Storage
    Question Oct 16, 2017
    I am working with a Kentico EMS 9.0.46 instance hosted in an Azure Web App. To help increase performance, we are considering moving the media files out of the web app and into an Azure Storage container, which we will then serve via the Azure CDN. We have experience setting ...

  • Hosting multiple Kentico installations in Azure
    Article May 4, 2011
    Bryan Soltis from Bit-Wizards released few days ago really interesting blog post about how to host multiple Kentico installations within the one Windows Azure role. You can read it here .

  • Azure Video Series: “Hello World”
    Article Apr 13, 2011
    In case you missed it we have released the first video in the Azure video series. #ms_mix11_s

  • Video: Advanced development with Windows Azure
    Article Jul 9, 2013
    Thanks to everyone that attended the Azure Kentico Conference! You can find all the session videos available here . Session Description: Are you an experienced Windows Azure developer or architect looking to understand advanced development techniques when building highl...

  • Configuring Rest on azure web application
    Question Sep 2, 2019
    I have a requirement for an external application writing to our form library using rest, I am hosting the site on azure, I cant find any documentation on how to configure my environment.

  • Azure blob files not showing in Kentico media library on Azure App
    Question Apr 7, 2021
    I have latest Kentico application + .NET Core MVC. Both solutions are setup to use Azure Blob Storage as media library. That is the code both uses: protected override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); // Creates a new StorageProvider instance for Azure ...

  • Kentico Azure SDK Version Requirements
    Knowledge Base Article May 23, 2016
    Avoiding version issues with Kentico Azure Cloud Service Projects When developing a Kentico Azure Cloud Services project, you need to make sure that you are using the correct versions of Visual Studio, the Azure SDK, and Azure Authoring Tools for the version of Kentico you...

  • Azure Search in Kentico 12 mvc
    Question Apr 2, 2020
    Hi, I am facing this issue even though I followed the kentico docs regarding azure search indexing. Created a new azure search in kentico cms. I already got azure cognitive search in azure portal. I used relevant details for azure service setting in the cms. For trial,I just...

  • Changing K12 project's DB to Azure
    Question Sep 18, 2020
    I wanted to change our database's location from running locally on the SQLExpress server to Azure's SQL server. The steps I followed were the following: 1. From SSMS, I exported the DB using "Export Data-Tier Application" to generate a ***.bacpac*** file 2. From SSMS, I disc...

  • Translating Content with Kentico Cloud and Azure
    Article May 24, 2018
    Automation can go a long way in making a developer's life easier. When it comes to content, the less to deal with, the better! Let me show you how to automate translation with Kentico Cloud. Ever since we released Kentico Cloud, developers have asked for a way to write conte...

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