Kentico Azure SDK Version Requirements


Avoiding version issues with Kentico Azure Cloud Service Projects

When developing a Kentico Azure Cloud Services project, you need to make sure that you are using the correct versions of Visual Studio, the Azure SDK, and Azure Authoring Tools for the version of Kentico you’re using. I’ll guide you through choosing the appropriate versions of each tool to ensure your project’s success.

Kentico, Visual Studio, Azure SDK, and Azure Authoring Tools version compatibility

Each version of Kentico was developed with a very specific version of Azure SDK. In order for the solution to build, publish, and function properly, it is important that you have the matching Azure SDK and authoring tools installed. You also need to make sure that the version of Visual Studio is supported and matches the installed SDKs. All of these versions must be correct to ensure that the solution is built, packaged, and deployed successfully. The version matrix below shows the compatible versions of Kentico, Visual Studio, and the Azure SDK and authoring tools:


Azure SDK and Authoring Tools

Visual Studio

















Known Issues

Any number of issues can arise if the versions do not match. Here are some examples that I have seen:

  • Visual Studio fails to open the Azure Project
  • Project fails to build
  • Project builds but fails to deploy
  • Certain functionality fails to work even though the project built, packaged and deployed successfully. (ex. Smart Search Functionality)

Additional Information

Using an unsupported version of Visual Studio or having a newer Azure SDK installed will sometimes prompt you to upgrade the project to use a newer SDK; DO NOT DO THIS! This will lead to additional issues that will consume a lot of time when trying to troubleshoot and, in the end, require you to revert the project back to its original-intended SDK references.


You can find the list of archived Azure SDKs and Authoring Tools on Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET.

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Aaron Kent

I am a Cloud Support Specialist here at Kentico.