• Creating MVC Webparts
    Question Mar 14, 2014
    Hi, I did a little research in the devnet and found some very good documentations about to create MVC Razor templates. But I didn't found any documentation about Razor web parts or using classic web parts with MVC Templates. We want to redesign a customer website and want to ...

  • Global events with MVC in K11
    Question Oct 31, 2018
    I've tried to follow the docs: https://docs.kentico.com/k11/custom-development/handling-global-events/handling-object-events for setting up a global event handler, but it's not working for our MVC site. The OnInit functions don't seem to ever trigger in MVC.

  • menu example with asp.net mvc
    Question Jul 6, 2019
    I can do the following menu example with asp.net mvc. https://docs.kentico.com/k10/references/kentico-controls/cms-controls/cms-controls-navigation/cmslistmenu ![Image Text](https://ibb.co/VCwQNp2)

  • MVC Testing in Kentico 9
    Question Jun 1, 2016
    I'm in the process of implementing integration tests on my controllers for an MVC Kentico 9 site. I've got the basics working as per - https://docs.kentico.com/display/K9/Testing+MVC+controllers I've faked my Repositories and Page Types and it works for the basics, however f...

  • MVC setup in Kentico
    Knowledge Base Article Oct 1, 2018
    Usually, even a seemingly unrelated problem can be caused by a wrong or incomplete setup of MVC and Kentico applications. Therefore, in this article you will find a list of settings, which we recommend to check before submitting a ticket to Kentico Support.

  • error after upgrade mvc
    Question Dec 11, 2019
    I just updated to the latest version of kentico and get this errorThe CodeDom provider type `"Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad3...

  • MVC 12 : Can be deleted
    Question Feb 8, 2019
    false issue. Sorry. Can be deleted

  • MVC aliases in Portal Projects
    Question Aug 2, 2018
    Working on a portal implementation in v10. Have a need to serve up static, extension-less files. We are doing authentication through Azure AD B2C and the pages that host the forms cannot have the injected form tag that is normally rendered through the portal. I was hoping th...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Installation
    Question Sep 14, 2020
    How to install the kentico 12 MVC?

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