k12 MVC dependency injection

innovix solutions asked on June 5, 2019 10:27

Hi All,

Kentico mentioned there is dependency-injection sample as below link.


Currently we are developing MVC widgets and do we need to use dependency injection in our project?

Recent Answers

Dmitry Bastron answered on June 5, 2019 14:57 (last edited on June 5, 2019 14:58)


You don't necessarily have to use DI container. For working with Kentico APIs you can still use something like:

var membershipActivityLogger = CMS.Core.Service.Resolve<IMembershipActivityLogger>();

But still, it's a best practice to use DI and I would recommend to use it in the development.

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innovix solutions answered on June 7, 2019 03:52

ok. thanks.

Understood. what about the our custom query method/function? We are pulling most of data from kentico cloud from kentico EMS. Thanks.

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