• Kentico sites after reboot
    Forum Post Aug 15, 2013
    Is there a few tips I could implement to speed up how long Kentico sites take to load up the first time after a reboot or when the app pool recycles. Most of the sites are 1-2 seconds but a couple of the Kentico sites can take 20-30 seconds. Once loaded they are fine so it rar...

  • Tips and Tricks - Paging Google Map Markers
    Knowledge Base Article Dec 12, 2018
    In this guide, you’ll learn how to page one set of data for multiple web parts. Using Dancing Goat’s Cafes page, we will paginate the list of cafes and make the Google Maps markers match the locations of each individual page.

  • 7 tips to build your Email lists
    Article May 21, 2012
    Nobody should argue that Email marketing is important. I ran across a report from the Email Experience Council (eec) of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) and Econsultancy that I thought was interesting. Among the data was the following. “The study found that, despit...

  • 5 Questions Digital Agencies Might Get about Kentico EMS and Kentico Cloud
    Article Oct 24, 2017
    As the Headless CMS concept comes more prevalent in technology, so do the questions from the clients. On top of selling their services and skill, agencies often must educate their customers on why a Headless CMS makes sense for their project.

  • Creating the right mobile experience for your website
    Video Article Aug 1, 2012
    Going mobile is a given today. But what things should you think about? In this v-cast we take a look at 4 must have tips for creating the right mobile experience for your website.

  • Misspelled Word Search
    Question Jul 26, 2018
    Hello, Can you give me some tips on how to allow for a misspelled word search in Kentico 11? For example: User makes a search for the keyword "visiiit", which returns "No results found" error message. We would like for this to return a list of results for the keyword "visi...

  • Importing content
    Forum Post Jul 23, 2008
    Hi all, I am trying to figure how automate the import process for contents, let's say xml files. Even better; how to import a whole site? I have visited this link: http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?importing_a_site.htm for tips but it seems like this onl...

  • Setup error on clean beta install
    Forum Post Jan 4, 2009
    I'm trying to do a clean install of the 4.0 beta and at Step 3 get the following error when trying to select a starter site: This template requires one of following license editions: Free, Standard, Ecommerce, Professional, Enterprise, Community. Your license edition is #UNKN...

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