• RE:Applying HTML tags after X number of items are retrieved from a custom table by a repeater.
    Forum Post Aug 30, 2013
    Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for the help! We did some modifications based on your recommendation and it works great. Posting it here in case someone else tries the same in the future. We were using the responsive grid from Bootstrap version 2.3.2 at the time. ...

  • Kentico 8 Technology – Design System
    Article Apr 30, 2014
    You’ve already seen many tweets and posts about the new fancy Kentico 8 . Among other features, it brings a new admin experience through the updated user interface, which has been completely redesigned and is light and fresh. From a web development point of view , it was rea...

  • Responsive Template For Healthcare
    Marketplace Item Jan 29, 2015
    This is a Responsive Template for Kentico CMS – ideal for Health care centers, Hospitals, Medical Collages, chemistry labs, Forensic labs etc.

  • Custom Menu Link to External Site
    Question Sep 11, 2014
    I have a custom menu (Bootstrap) that I've setup transformations for. All works great, except when you want a page to redirect elsewhere. This is the current link: However, if you change the Navigation > Menu Actions property to "URL Redirect" the above does not take ...

  • Pop Uo or Modal Windows Kentico Version 7.0.0
    Question Feb 26, 2015
    Hi everybody... I need to show a modal window with Kentico version 7.0.0. can you help me? Thanks! Regards.

  • UI - CMSIcon Control
    Question Apr 2, 2015
    Hi How can we show tool tip on a Question iconHelp image Thanks

  • File Upload Error
    Question Jul 8, 2016
    Hi there, I am having problems in uploading CSS file under Media Libraries -> Stylesheets. I am getting an error message saying **"The media file with path 'stylesheets/bootstrap-min.css' already exists in the database. Copy the file to the file system manually or delete the ...

  • On-Line Forms Time Calendar without seconds
    Question Nov 29, 2016
    Is there a way to disable the seconds in the Calendar control on the On-Line Forms? I set "edit time" true, so the user can fill in the date and time ( now in hours, minutes and seconds ).

  • CKEditor removing empty tags
    Question Jul 29, 2014
    I've got a design that has a < span > wrapped in a < span > for a font feature to display an icon similar to how the Bootstrap uses ` ` . The CKEditor strips the empty < span > out. Isn't there a setting to correct this without having to use ` ` or some other hack? ...

  • how to display the blog post as in table.
    Question Jun 19, 2018
    how to display the blog post using categories and displaying them in table.

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