I thought about doing a widget zone, I am having some issues with the menus. So when the page loads all of the context menus work perfectly, but if you scroll they do not update. So depending on how far you scroll you could have to click on the menu and then scroll back up. I have tried it on a general blank template with rows and still had the issue. I am getting a js error of
VM8591 GetResource.ashx:6 Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: jQuery,Underscore
at makeError (GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=~%2fCMSScripts%2fRequireJS%2frequire.js:6)
at tt (GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=~%2fCMSScripts%2fRequireJS%2frequire.js:6)
at GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=~%2fCMSScripts%2fRequireJS%2frequire.js:6
So I am trying to avoid the widget zone, plus an editor could remove it/add some.
@Trevor I will have to check your bootstrap out. I thought about looking at the columns/row concept. Just seems cumbersome because of how they are doing it by adding the table and all that. I thought of trying to add a widget via JS and seeing what that would do. Just would think there would be a better way.