• Staging error connecting to server
    Question Sep 13, 2018
    I have seen some posts similar to this, but not sure my question is answered. I have 3 servers - dev, test, prod. Test is new. I previously had dev and prod. I successfully staged from dev to prod in the past without issue. We recently forced https on the sites (which are...

  • .net Session State
    Question Apr 8, 2019
    I'm looking for a method to troubleshoot custom session state on a solution that I've started supporting recently. Current session state configuration in web.config Connection string points to production database hosted in Azure, and public key token removed f...

  • Hint 'noexpand' on object 'View_CMS_Tree_Joined' is invalid (Kentico 11)
    Question Jul 19, 2019
    This is a NEW site - not an upgrade. Version 11.0.14. View_CMS_Tree_Joined has definitely not been modified in any way. Database has deployed to the LIVE server and the site just throws the subject error. Have read the few other question posts that I could find talking about...

  • Kentico 7 - Site Import failure
    Question Sep 8, 2015
    Hey Guys, Just some background/context: Initially, the app pool of our site didn't have access to the web root file system and so we got an error prompt in red whenever we tried to upload a site import. We also encountered the same issues when Files were set to be stored in f...

  • Writing to Kentico log in an Active/Active (geo-replicated) database scenario
    Question Aug 11, 2021
    I am hosting on Azure and I would like to geo-replicate the database so that one location has a read-write copy and the replicated locations have a read-only copy. I am considering options and I'm curious to see what others would do. * Configure the logger with a separate con...

  • Kentico 8 from an Administrator’s and Developer’s Point of View
    Article Mar 26, 2014
    In less than a week there will be a new major version of Kentico 8! Let’s take a look at the different features, enhancements, and updates that will be available for the people who develop and administer Kentico websites.

  • Top Tens for Developers
    Article Nov 23, 2015
    In this article, we'll have a look at some statistics. In particular, I'd like to present you with the most discussed Kentico topics, terms developers search for, and the questions they ask.

  • Kentico 8 Technology – Web farm synchronization
    Article Jun 6, 2014
    This article is going to show you more details about web farm synchronization methods available in Kentico. Understanding the way these methods work can be a critical aspect in choosing an appropriate synchronization method to achieve the required performance for your web farm...

  • New Hotfix 6.0.7 (build no. 4350) Released
    Article Nov 29, 2011
    The new hotfix package was released and it is available for download. You can find the hotfix packages in the Bugtracker section (the orange box on the right). Instructions are included, please read carefully.

  • 2015 Kentico Technical Evangelism Year in Review
    Article Dec 30, 2015
    As 2015 comes to a close, I wanted to look back on all of the activities in the Kentico community. Over the past year, I’ve had the chance to talk with some truly awesome people, discuss their projects and challenges, and hopefully help them find answers to their tough questi...

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