• Insert Macro into Form Field
    Question Oct 6, 2022
    In previous version of Kentico, I would create a From Field and then for the default value I would set it to a Macro of and it was capture my referring URL. In Kentico 13, how do I do that? I tried a form field and set the default textbox to but that just saved it as text.

  • Cannot delete big media files
    Question Mar 24, 2022
    I have Kentico 12 MVC Application, I'm trying delete media file from media library, The file size is 400MB, clicking delete button beside the file freezes the site for about 2 or 3 minutes then nothing happens, the file still exists and I can download it. in event lg there is ...

  • Get Page Menu Type Document Path Using Node ID Macro
    Question Feb 18, 2022
    There are times I set a repeater's content path to a child item or Page Menu item that exists on a different Page (Menu item) anywhere in the CMSTree, and all works well until a content editor decides to change the name of the page, which makes all the repeaters stop working u...

  • Kentico 13 Admin screen lock: problem signing back in
    Question Oct 29, 2022
    When Kentico locks the screen after 20 minutes, it shows a sign in modal but for some reason I can't sign back in with that modal. Nothing happens after I enter the username and password, and the screen remains locked. No error message in the event log or javascript console. T...

  • Delete inactive contacts scheduled task
    Question Nov 28, 2022
    I need to know how to get the delete inactive contacts to be scheduled daily at 2:00 AM This post some people say you can do it by the scheduled task others say you have to create a custom scheduled task. https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/custom-contacts-deletion-schedul...

  • Issue when setting up ASP .NET CORE app with Kentico on IIS
    Question Feb 14, 2022
    Hi, I am running an ASP .NET CORE App v3.1 with Kentico 13 on a IIS 10 Windows Server. I have this app setup on a local IIS server and it works perfectly but when I put it onto the server the front end and the Edit/Preview of the admin site wont load. We also tested this wit...

  • Macro to get document data from shopping cart
    Question Aug 16, 2022
    I have a custom field that is on the document (that is also binding to an SKU) called VideoURL. I can get this value on it's own with `` However when I try to access it by joining from the shopping cart to document, it doesn't work Any Suggestions as to why it's no...

  • Trying to hide a webpart based on document category
    Question Feb 10, 2022
    I have a webpart on a page template that I want to hide if a document is in a particular category. I know how to make a webpart visible based on the document category, but how can I hide it? Is there a way to negate macro?

  • Get RelatedDocuments custom fields in Text/XML Transformation
    Question Jul 20, 2022
    I'm working on creating a transformation to display some related documents' information, but I'm running into a small issue. In this transformation, I'd like to display a grid of thumbnails pertaining to a "Related Resources" field I created (which is a data type of "Pages" a...

  • Workflow notification email template approvedwhen date time format change
    Question Aug 12, 2022
    Is there any way to change the Workflow notification email template(workflow.notification) "approvedwhen" date format change? It using macro and I've tried several things like ToShortDateString, FormatDate, etc. nothing works for me

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