• Smart Search | Index Type | Custom | Pages | Pages crawler
    Question Sep 27, 2022
    Hi Team, Need to know couples of point related the Smart Search. 1. Which index type is good a) Custom Index b) Pages c) Pages crawler 2. Is Pages crawler is good option in live site if we provided to search functionality in a site to public users. 3...

  • How to pass pagebuilder page type data from kentico widget to custom form component
    Question Oct 14, 2022
    I have created a drop-down form components in the kentico 13 mvc which loading the data from external data source but I want to pass one value from the widget to this component where I am using this form components but didn't find any way. Tried ipagedataretive and widget prop...

  • The form component is in an invalid state and cannot be loaded.
    Question Nov 28, 2022
    We have migrated the site from Kentico portal engine to Kentico 13 .Net Core model (13.0.73). On the existing forms we are not able to load the components(form controls), it is showing the below error message. "**The form component could not be loaded. This form will be hidde...

  • TreeNode.GetRelatedDocuments() - Getting null error
    Question Mar 18, 2022
    For a custom page type we are creating, which includes some standard text fields needed for page functionality, I also added a page type field that uses form control "Related Pages" in order to use related pages to be displayed/listed on the parent page in the front-end MVC ap...

  • Cannot delete big media files
    Question Mar 24, 2022
    I have Kentico 12 MVC Application, I'm trying delete media file from media library, The file size is 400MB, clicking delete button beside the file freezes the site for about 2 or 3 minutes then nothing happens, the file still exists and I can download it. in event lg there is ...

  • Get Started with the Kentico Xperience 13 Baseline Site
    Article Jan 4, 2022
    Kentico Xperience provides the tools and APIs to build a great websites, and has the Dancing Goat site to explore ways of doing things, however if you're looking for a starting point that has all the basic features you need to get your project started, then the Baseline is a ...

  • Auto-staging tasks executing on multiple target servers when only one staging server enabled
    Question Jan 10, 2022
    We followed [this](https://docs.xperience.io/k12sp/custom-development/handling-global-events/automatically-synchronizing-staging-and-integration-tasks) code for configuring auto-staging on a Kentico 12 MVC site. There is only one configured and enabled target Staging Server, w...

  • 401 errors for attachments with page level security
    Question Feb 24, 2022
    Hi everybody! I am currently facing the following problem: With page-level-security activated and configured, I get 401 errors, if I try to resolve attachments via `/getattachment/[guid]/[name_of_file]` url. If I deactivate page-level-security, this url works and the attachme...

  • Register Customer after first checkout
    Question Feb 25, 2022
    Hi We have recently enabled guest checkout on our ecommerce site as described here (https://docs.xperience.io/k11/e-commerce-features/configuring-your-store/checkout-process/enabling-automatic-registration-for-anonymous-customers) and we would like to know if it is possible t...

  • How to rename the site code name
    Question Apr 24, 2022
    I want to rename the site code name in Kentico 13 Core. I followed the following link & as per documentation: https://docs.xperience.io/configuring-xperience/managing-sites 'When renaming individual sites, we do not recommend changing the Site code name. The code name is used...

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