• Web.config role based folder access control
    Question Mar 16, 2022
    Hi can someone please explain how it's possible to restrict access to a folder within the admin application via roles in web.config location authorization elements (Kentico 13). We've been able to restrict access but only via users. For example this is a child web.config in a...

  • PageBuilder Content Security Policy
    Question Mar 10, 2022
    When modifying the Content Security Policy to add script-src 'self' this causes page builder not to load with an error: `Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'".` Any idea on how I can add dyna...

  • SearchHelper.Search is returning inaccurate result
    Question Mar 25, 2022
    Hi, I have a job portal with filter feature. the user can filter jobs by State Code(AR,AL,AZ, etc) The filter feature works fine but I notice that if the "IN" StateCode filter or "OR" statecode filter is selected, it's bringing in every job available. please see below SearchF...

  • How to get SiteCode Name in StartUp.cs class
    Question May 26, 2022
    I am looking the site code name for some level of configuration. I am using Kentico 13 core (13.68). After getting null, i initialize the cms application as below but even i am getting null in SiteContext. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { ...

  • Default shipping option
    Question Jun 24, 2022
    Hi, Kentico 12. Do you know if it is possible to have a default shipping option before the customer has entered their details, shipping address, name etc. Kentico will not show the shipping option unless these are set. I am just wondering if I should continue to invest time ...

  • Compile Less to CSS
    Question Jul 8, 2022
    Hi, I'm using Kentico 13 .NET Core MVC and currently I'm trying to make some changes in Site.less and Menu.less files located in wwwroot/Content/Styles. In the _Layout.cshtml view, by default, Kentico is loading all the generated CSS of Site.css which includes at the same ti...

  • web farm scheduled tasks
    Question Jul 12, 2022
    When setting up a web farms scheduled tasks, do you only need to duplicate them for the admin servers?

  • Do not render a Section when all widgets return empty content
    Question Aug 9, 2022
    Is it possible to know in the live site in a Section if any of the widgets it contains will render anything? We have some sections that contain spacing like this: @Html.Kentico().WidgetZone() But sometimes we have widgets that display something based on ...

  • URL Redirection on kentico 13
    Question May 20, 2022
    Hi Everyone, i am trying to import URL redirection module but none of them work. I followed the following link too: https://devnet.kentico.com/articles/url-redirection I am using Kentico 13.0.62 as CMS version Thanks, Chandra

  • Web Server is down, moving toward a new server
    Question Aug 19, 2022
    Hi All, Our network is down so we are going to have clone our servers to another college environment, we need some assistance in regards to the changes to the web server configuration. Is there someone that can walk us through the setting changes. Changing the IPs to the dat...

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