• How to get category of a document by passing its DocumentID?
    Question Mar 1, 2022
    I totally new in ASP.NET and C#, I want get category of a specific document by passing its DocumentID. I don't know correct method should use. The below is what I implemented based on documentation [here](https://docs.xperience.io/x/3QEn): ` Categories: @GetDocumentCategories...

  • Warning while access a page or a form
    Question Mar 8, 2022
    Hi All, I am getting the issue [https://prnt.sc/KTS2KYi4GTpd](https://prnt.sc/KTS2KYi4GTpd) "This page does not work properly as your browser may be blocking 3rd party cookies and/or the system may be incorrectly configured for a multi-domain environment. See our ...

  • Set Language Prefixes for URL's that are not our default Culture
    Question Mar 9, 2022
    Anyway to prevent en-us prefixes in the URL's (our default language) but use a language prefix for any other languages? We have been experimenting with the settings and just can't seem to make it happen. If we see a language prefix viewing the live url, and try and remove it...

  • How to make an Arabic page to render exactly like the English Page?
    Question Aug 23, 2022
    Currently, all pages in Arabic are displayed from right to left. I can't see any setting that allows redirecting a certain Arabic page to its English counterpart. We want to display a particular page while browsing in Arabic culture to look exactly like its English version. Ho...

  • .NET Core vs MVC5
    Question Sep 27, 2022
    Hi, Our site has been operating on K10 for a while, and obviously we're going to be upgrading to 13 soon. I've subsequently drafted a basic MVC5 app to get a feel for how the structure would work with our site, and because I'm familiar with MVC5. But, most of the Kentico docu...

  • K13 azure storage 'permanent link' 404
    Question Nov 15, 2022
    Hello We have an azure storage account configured for media in K13 and get a 404 when trying to access any images via a 'permanent link', however the 'direct path' works correctly. Just to clarify the meaning here: - Direct path is via the admin site e.g. /CMSPages/GetAzure...

  • Use REST API to verify user password
    Question Nov 30, 2022
    Is there a REST API in Kentico for validating user passwords? Background: We are looking to move to single sign-on (SSO), using a separate identity provider (IDP) for logins via OIDC. We'd prefer that users continue to use their existing usernames and passwords when logging ...

  • Kentico 12 to 13 Upgrade: 'CMS.Routing.Web.RegisterHttpHandlerAttribute'
    Question Jun 30, 2022
    I have recently run the upgrade tool on a Kentico 12 MVC site, to Kentico 13 MVC. After installing the new libraries, removing the old libraries, clean and a build. I am getting the following error: Server Error in '/' Application. Could not load type 'CMS.Routing.Web.Regis...

  • How do you debug a customization
    Question Nov 17, 2022
    I am working on resolving a 500 internal server error. Is there a way I can display column values using a debugger?

  • Language switch do not work
    Question Jan 18, 2022
    I have english and german versions of the page in my content tree. Also I have language switcher on this page. When I open english page from kentico page properties, I see english version. I change language by switcher to german and I see that culture prefix in URL is correct,...

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