• Migrate/upgrade kentico 11 to kentico 13
    Question Jul 27, 2022
    How to Migrate/upgrade Kentico 11 (portal engine) to Kentico 13 (MVC)?

  • Issue after upgrade - The route template 'getavatar/{avatarguid:guid}/{filename}' is already registe
    Question Nov 29, 2022
    Hello, I have recently upgraded a site from Kentico 12 MVC to Kentico 13 MVC, I am seeing the following error in the event log. Apart from this one error in the event log, everything seems to function as expected. Event ID:76766 Event type:Error Event time:11/29...

  • Missing images in media library
    Question Dec 26, 2022
    Using Kentico v13.0.47 (MVC) When I look at my media library, it is only showing 3 images when I know there are many. I also don't see any of the folders I've created. However, if I go to add an image to a page, I can navigate to and see dozens of images. The images that ar...

  • Widget property label is not valid in configure widget
    Question Feb 8, 2022
    Hello, When I open a configure widget panel, I can see that widget's label is not correctly. Therefore, buttons Apply and Cancel is not correctly too. For example, if I wanna open Header widget configuration (gear wheel) I see the follow: [screenshot](https://www.screencast....

  • Is it possible to check the statistics of keywords that the users has been using to the site search?
    Question Jul 1, 2022
    Hello all, I have a website, running on Kentico 12 SP, MVC. In the site, there are several page types. And we are using **Kentico's smart search with local index** for site search feature. Question is, Is it possible to check the statistics of keywords, that the users has b...

  • Multiple dummy cache keys
    Question Nov 2, 2022
    Hello The documentation does not seem to explain how to set multiple cache dependencies, and we have a particular requirement for it. As a simplified example say we have MVC output caching enabled, and we want a controller action's output cache to depend on two different pag...

  • Kentico Menu
    Question Jul 18, 2022
    Hi, As per the requirement need to create mega menu in kentico 12 for site specific. So please suggest how we do in kentico 12.

  • Page Crawler file size not same.
    Question Nov 30, 2022
    Hi Team, I'm working on the page crawler based search and checked that the file size of the .CFS file is different in MVC and CMS. So need to know why the file size is different, based on the difference the search result not same. Attaching the Screenshot: [https://ibb.co/9...

  • Kentico 13 content tree based routing, changing a URL does not apply to all cultures
    Question Jan 5, 2022
    When changing a URL in Kentico 13 using content tree based routing, the new URL applies to the current culture only. This is different compared to portal engine, where making a change to a page URL applied to all cultures. Does anyone know of an easy way to apply URL changes t...

  • How to modify live URL of Container Pagetype
    Question Feb 18, 2022
    I have a pagetype Container and it has a live URL that lead to nowhere. I want to modify it, how can I do that. The live URL in General Tab https://www.dropbox.com/s/jmsciqoab22786b/Capture.PNG?dl=0

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