• Give user permission to add page to specific branch of website
    Question Jan 20, 2023
    kentico version: 12sp mvc I'd like to give user ExampleUser create/edit/delete ability for a specific branch of the website. To do that, I'm creating a role ExampleRole that has created/edit/delete ability for that specific branch of the website. Everything works EXCEPT thi...

  • What controls Permission Denied at login trying to display user dashboard?
    Question May 31, 2023
    Kentico 11 custom MVC site. Have 2 users who are logging into the CMS and immediately getting **403 - Forbidden: Access is denied**. It appears to be when their dashboard is being shown since they only get an error page. I made sure their Roles had a default dashboard set to s...

  • Kentico 12 Facebook and LinkedIn not connecting
    Question Jul 25, 2023
    Hi, I've tried to connect my Facebook and LinkedIn page/apps to kentico and I've followed the steps provided in the docs here https://docs.xperience.io/k12sp/integrating-3rd-party-systems/integrating-social-media/connecting-kentico-to-social-media and here https://docs.xperien...

  • SessionHelper.SetValue failing
    Question Aug 18, 2023
    As the title says, and similar to [this question](https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/sessionhelper-not-working) in the way that I am setting an object using the SessionHelper.SetValue method, it is returning null when I try to access it. The codefile is located within the Ap...

  • The sites not switch in Kentico 13 Admin Multi-sites
    Question Sep 7, 2023
    Hello, I created two sites one is dancing goat core site, another is dev1 site, both are mvc core. I tried to edit pages for dev1 site, so I click pages, then tried to switch to dev1 site, however, it always switched back to dancing goat site. So I have to stop dancing goat si...

  • Kentico 13 Media Library Image Upload Issue
    Question Nov 20, 2023
    What could be causing my newly Uploaded Media Library Images to not display when trying to display them on my web page via their /getmedia URL or when trying to view them via direct path? Image uploads to the media libraries have been working for months now and suddenly a few...

  • Smart Search | Index Type | Custom Index
    Question Oct 10, 2022
    Hi Team, I'm working on the smart search functionality in kentico 12, the smart search result not same in CMS and Live site, Means both result are different. Could you tell me what is the issue.

  • Asp.net web API in .net core
    Question Mar 10, 2023
    I am in the process of converting the V12 Portal version to a .net Core MVC and am a bit confused. The solution is using a modified version of the Medio Clinic project from the online classes as a base We have an existing Asp.net web API that we very sucessfully used in the ...

  • Setup of Application in IIS 10
    Question Dec 13, 2022
    Hey, I have a quick query for ASP .net core applications running on IIS10. For the application pools of the site i have the admin running .NET CLR Version 4.0 and the front end on No Managed Code. Is this the prefered approach? Is there downsides to having the front end as...

  • Session and SSO issues running Kentico 13 .NET Core on a load balanced environment
    Question May 22, 2023
    I am running a Kentico v13.0.52 solution with a .NET Core website. A number of configuration elements may contribute to the issues I am seeing with sessions and SSO when operating on a load balanced environment. **Note: Both sessions and SSO work as expected with the followi...

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