• K13 spurious content in search highlight
    Question Jan 11, 2023
    Hello We have a basic k13 Azure Cognitive search implementation with a custom ISearchCrawlerContentProcessor to restrict the page builder content being indexed on included pages. There is a consistent problem when a search executes that the first highlight value in the sys_c...

  • Get Attachments from CMS_Attachment using a link
    Question Feb 14, 2023
    Hello we plan to store uploaded images within the CMS_Attachment table. Therefore we use this piece of code: var newAttachment = new AttachmentInfo() { AttachmentGUID = existingGUID, AttachmentName = file.FileName, InputStream = file.InputStre...

  • Is it possible to limit uploads per file type per media library directory?
    Question Mar 30, 2023
    We have a custom MVC site and four large directries for our media library flat files. Each directory has multiple subdirectories and so on to categorize uploads. Under the main "Image" directory we are having a few users upload PDF documents, and vice-versa for the "Documents"...

  • Can you make a custom path selector for use in a widget?
    Question Apr 5, 2023
    A client is complaining about the path selector because it doesn't fully display the name of the pages or have a search bar. From what I can see, there is no way of modifying it, but is there a way of creating a version of the path selector that does have these things? Ideally...

  • Upload form files to AWS for one specific form
    Question Apr 17, 2023
    Is it possible to store the user submitted form files of just one specific form (not the other forms) to AWS?

  • Kentio 13 Form Input Validation for security
    Question Apr 26, 2023
    Hey, I have a couple of sites in kentico 13 that all have default kentico forms. Recently we done an audit and relised that kentico default forms dont have any prevention for users entering certain characters that would be used for scripting etc. Is there any way to apply...

  • Error: Request is in incorrect format for uploading a file.
    Question May 16, 2023
    Hi dears, Facing strange issue with Kentico 13.0.73 media library file upload. No hotfix was installed. **NOTE:** It is working fine on localhost but after deploying on server it starts producing error as briefed below. **Scenario:** Previously it was allowing to upload f...

  • Kentico 13 - Update contact from user
    Question Jun 9, 2023
    In the Aspx.Forms version of Kentico 12 when a user form was updated the relevant data in the contact record was updated based on the mappings defined in the 'On-line marketing' tab of the Membership > User class and then calling ContactInfoProvider.UpdateContactFromExternalDa...

  • Kentico 12 - Ninja Form Alternative - Hidden Fields
    Question Jun 20, 2023
    Hello, Our website uses forms to generate enquiries. I would like to implement channel tracking as a hidden field to our forms. for example if a user fills out a form but was acquired by organic search the form would have a hidden field which would show on submission it was ...

  • Page template not available for pages that created before page template
    Question Jun 19, 2023
    first i created a page in pages application of article pagetype type. after that created a page template in MVC application than when i am creating new page of article type then page template that i have created is working fine but the one page that i have created earlier is n...

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