• RE:Issue importing site when running on Azure
    Forum Post May 31, 2013
    Hello Vasu, Please take a look at this config key: <LocalStorage cleanOnRoleRecycle="false" name="TomcatLocation" sizeInMB="2048" /> You may need to increase the key size. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee758708.aspx or http://vkreynin.wo...

  • RE:Issue importing site when running on Azure
    Forum Post Jun 10, 2013
    Hello Edward, Thanks for your reply. I getting this problem in Cloud Environment. I have tested in local Azure Emulator. It is working fine. When I deployed project in Cloud environment and try to build index, it getting the above mentioned errors. Any idea about Kent...

  • SQL Azure best practice
    Forum Post Jul 22, 2013
    What is considered the best practice for custom stored procedures in Kentico and Azure SQL? I have a stored procedure that pivots the custom fields and values for document types so I can use it as a data source for a repeater in a transformation. If there is a built in solutio...

  • RE:Get attachemnet error
    Forum Post Jul 31, 2013
    Hi Martin, Yes, running on the Azure service, but not Kentico-"Powered by Azure", if you know what I mean? Anyway, it's only one or two images that I can tell at the moment, and a fairly new error, so I'll try uploading them again. All good, thanks :)

  • RE:Azure Cloud Services Deployment hangs
    Forum Post Aug 23, 2013
    Hi, If you mean by upgrading an upgrade to the newer version of Windows Azure SDK, Visual Studio isn’t often able to change all the references from older version of the SDK to new one and then this inconsistency leads to mentioned type of error. I’m glad that you were able...

  • Azure Cloud Services CSS not loading unless IE Quirks enabled
    Forum Post Sep 4, 2013
    As per title, I have two V7 installed as cloud services on Azure, and one fails to load CSS completely and the other only loads the CSS once the page has loaded. Any clues as to what is happening? an example is http://fabweld.winman.com

  • RE:Azure Web Roles - Web Farm
    Forum Post Sep 9, 2013
    Hi Filip- thanks for your response. I can guarantee that the number of instances is correct in the Azure portal. I wonder, does this behavior happen because I am missing this entry in the web.config? <Role name="CMSApp"> <Instances count="2" /> <ConfigurationSettings>...

  • RE:Kentico 7 connector - detect data changes
    Forum Post Sep 9, 2013
    Any chance of sample code for the work around's please? P.S Also started looking at the scheduler, how does this work in Azure as it looks to me that tasks can be fired external, but your implementation utilizes a windows service - is there an implementation using an Azure ...

  • RE:Azure Web Roles - Web Farm
    Forum Post Sep 10, 2013
    Hello Eric, So I found out that this behaviour is caused by the fact that you run your project in Azure emulator. Running it in there creates multiple instances of those "deployment(xx).CMSAzure..." servers and they are not removed after you stop the emulator, they need to ...

  • RE:Working with BACPAC on Azure
    Forum Post Sep 11, 2013
    I'm having the same exact problem. Importing an Azure bacpac backup file into local SQL (tried 2008 R2 and 2012) and it fails in the same place CMS_Tree. It sits on CMS_Tree for a long time and eventually fails. Using Kentico 7.0.52. Let me know if you need any more i...

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