• membership and discount levels
    Forum Post Jan 28, 2013
    is there a way to make a membership linked to a discount level? I know that I can create memberships and then add products to the site that enable customers to purchase those memberships, but is there a way that while your membership is active on the site, you can get a disco...

  • RE:UI Personalization + Design Tab
    Forum Post Jun 25, 2013
    Hello Gareth, You are welcome. I think know that the best way you can learn how to create a new document type (e.g. the FAQ page) please refer to another more suitable guidenance here. This article will show you how to create a new document type "products" and show them...

  • RE:Free Shipping on Orders over a certain amount
    Forum Post Jul 4, 2013
    Hi, We have been resolving this issue via email, I am posting this information for anyone reading this thread. You can set shipping to zero if the shipping option code name is "alaska" and the number of items in the order is more than 10, using custom info provider with thi...

  • RE:Truncate OM_Activity table
    Forum Post Aug 7, 2013
    Hi, I would be very interested in seeing the answer to this question. I think the solution here would be to either limit the amount of data that goes into this table (similair to the event log) but then this could have a negative impact on the data that is stored about a...

  • REST Service Error with columns parameter when specifying a different culture
    Forum Post Aug 9, 2013
    I was able to get the Rest Service working and I am trying to limit the number of fields it is returning. The below request works great and returns exactly what I wanted. http://devserver/rest/content/site/testsite/defaultculture/all/Content/Global?combinewithdefaultculture=t...

  • Limit Repeater results to direct child documents, rather than showing all documents in menu tree
    Forum Post Sep 18, 2013
    Hi I am using a repeater on a custom ascx template, in order to get documents (video files) that are direct children (i.e, next level down) of the document that the web-part is placed on. I have a top menu parent page and a child sub-menu page sharing the same template co...

  • RE:BizForm required field asterisk
    Forum Post Oct 23, 2013
    Since this still hasn't been implemented we created some JS which might help others. (Using jQuery) the code is for the front of the site where your bizForm will display . <script>AAI.addAsterisk = function(containerid) { var labels = $(containerid).find('label');...

  • content before/after isn't
    Forum Post Jan 23, 2014
    This makes no sense. I'm trying to limit my styling to a given piece of content - say, on my event page - so it doesn't trample the styles on all the other pages that use a zoneMain. I want all content to be specified with .event-page, so I can target .zoneMain.event-page i...

  • Does archiving a license free up for a new license
    Question Apr 8, 2021
    We purchased a 10 licenses package, however over time, our IT dept has changed our internal IP address range a couple times. Each time I create a new license based on the new IP range. If I archive the old unused IP address, does that free up a license so it can be used aga...

  • HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown errors
    Forum Post Dec 16, 2009
    I see this mentioned in a few other posts, but none of them have a suitable solution. I'm also discussing this via email with Kentico but thought I'd open it up on here too. Background info... running Kentico 4.1 latest build, on a Win 2008 OS with IIS7 and SQL Server 20...

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