I did get it working. However, now i am trying to figure out how to add additional content to the index.
I assumed that when you all a General Field:
doc.AddGeneralField("PartNumber", dr["PartNumber"].ToString(), true, true);
That the field would be indexed, but it doesn't appear to be. I am going to check with our consultant.
Here is my current code:
using System;
using CMS.Search;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.IO;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.EventLog;
using CMS.Base;
using CMS;
using CMS.SharePoint;
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using System.Data;
using System.Net;
using CMS.DocumentEngine;
using CMS.DocumentEngine.Web.UI;
[assembly: RegisterCustomClass("SPOFileIndex", typeof(Daikin.Kentico.SPOFileIndex))]
namespace Daikin.Kentico
public class SPOFileIndex : ICustomSearchIndex
public void Rebuild(SearchIndexInfo srchInfo)
// Checks whether the index info object is defined
if (srchInfo != null)
// Gets an index writer object for the current index
IIndexWriter iw = srchInfo.Provider.GetWriter(true);
// Checks the whether writer is defined
if (iw != null)
// Gets an info object of the index settings
SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = srchInfo.IndexSettings.Items[SearchHelper.CUSTOM_INDEX_DATA];
// Gets the search path from the Index data field
string listName = "Documents";
// Gets the SharePoint connection
SharePointConnectionInfo connection = SharePointConnectionInfoProvider.GetSharePointConnectionInfo("Daacloud_SharePoint", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
// Converts the SharePointConnectionInfo into a connection data object
SharePointConnectionData connectionData = connection.ToSharePointConnectionData();
// Gets the file service implementation
ISharePointFileService fileService = SharePointServices.GetService<ISharePointFileService>(connectionData);
// Gets the list service implementation
ISharePointListService listService = SharePointServices.GetService<ISharePointListService>(connectionData);
DataSet results = listService.GetListItems(listName);
//keep track of the number of files so i can control how many are in the index during developement.
int i = 0;
// Loops through all files
foreach (DataRow dr in results.Tables[0].Rows)
// Gets the current file info
string spFile = dr["FileRef"].ToString();
ISharePointFile file = fileService.GetFile(spFile);
byte[] fileBytes = file.GetContentBytes();
// Checks that the file is not empty
if (fileBytes.Length > 0)
// Converts the text to lower case
// text = text.ToLowerCSafe();
// Removes diacritics
// text = TextHelper.RemoveDiacritics(text);
string extension = file.Extension.ToString();
XmlData textxml = SearchTextExtractorManager.ExtractData(extension, fileBytes, null);
// Creates a new Lucene.Net search document for the current file
SearchDocumentParameters documentParameters = new SearchDocumentParameters()
Index = srchInfo,
Type = SearchHelper.CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX,
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Created = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Created"])
ISearchDocument doc = SearchHelper.CreateDocument(documentParameters);
// Adds a content field. This field is processed when the search looks for matching results.
doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CONTENT, textxml, SearchHelper.StoreContentField, true);
// Adds a title field. The value of this field is used for the search result title.
doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CUSTOM_TITLE, file.Title, true, false);
// Adds a content field. The value of this field is used for the search result excerpt.
// string textLimit = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue("_content")
doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CUSTOM_CONTENT, dr["Description0"].ToString(), true, false);
// Adds a date field. The value of this field is used for the date in the search results.
doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CUSTOM_DATE, file.TimeCreated, true, false);
// Adds a url field. The value of this field is used for link urls in the search results.
doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CUSTOM_URL, TransformationHelper.HelperObject.GetSharePointFileUrl("Daacloud_SharePoint", spFile), true, false);
doc.AddGeneralField("SecurityRole", dr["SecurityRole"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Archive Status", dr["ArchiveStatus"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Product Type", dr["Product_x0020_Type"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("SubProduct Type", dr["SubProduct_x0020_Type"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Model", dr["Model"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Document Type", dr["Document_x0020_Type"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("PartNumber", dr["PartNumber"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Title", dr["Title"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Description", dr["Description0"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("SubType", dr["SubType"].ToString(), true, true);
doc.AddGeneralField("Name", dr["FileLeafRef"].ToString(), true, true);
//doc.AddGeneralField("IndexNumber", i, true, false);
// Adds an image field. The value of this field is used for the images in the search results.
// Commented out, since the image file does not exist by default
// doc.AddGeneralField(SearchFieldsConstants.CUSTOM_IMAGEURL, "textfile.jpg", true, false);
// Adds the document to the index
i = i + 1;
//change if you want to limit the index
if (i < 0)
// Flushes the index buffer
// Optimizes the index
// }
// Logs any potential exceptions
catch (Exception ex)
EventLogProvider.LogException("CustomTextFileIndex", "Rebuild", ex);
// Always close the index writer