• Web sites take a very long time to become available after Azure App Service restart
    Question Oct 15, 2018
    We currently have 93 websites across 9 Azure App Service instances(P3 size). When we restart the App Service, it takes an hour or more for all the websites to become accessible. Those that aren't return a 500 error. One or two sites become available at a time, and over the ...

  • Azure.Core and Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime Packages
    Question Apr 24, 2024
    Hotfix version: 13.0.147 Looking at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime/2.3.20 ![Vulnerable package](https://imgur.com/cKxh3Uy.png) Looks like this package was not removed as a dependency

  • CMSAzureCachePath and Server file caching - Migrating media files to blob storage
    Question Feb 14, 2024
    We're attempting to migrate large numbers of images from disk to blob storage as we're running out of disk space to store images. As I understand it Kentico will cache the files pulled from blob storage on the disk anyway. If this is the case, then we won't save space by mov...

  • Kentico 13 WIF Auth Fail
    Question Jul 4, 2024
    Our admin site is setup with Azure AD authentication which works fine, the only issues is every couple of weeks the authentication fails with the WIF_AUTH_FAIL and we have to fetch the new certificate and generate a new thumbprint. Any way to prevent this?

  • duplicate instance for admin site
    Question Jun 18, 2024
    We use Azure as web service. Yesterday we have a lot request from third part website. Then Azure automatically added CPU instances for our admin site. In that time, admin site didn't work for our customer. So we want to check if duplicate instance for admin site is allowed. Al...

  • Getting The X.509 certificate CN=accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net is not in the trusted people sto
    Question Mar 13, 2024
    This is the process we are Currently following to Use Single sign-on Authentication using Azure Ad Claims Based authentication from Kentico settings The certificate which we are using is secured And Licenced it is Present in the Manage Computer Certificate --> Trusted People ...

  • Kentico 13 x-frame-options
    Question May 15, 2024
    What is the recommended approach for applying x-frame-options in kentico 13. I added the header manually, but as suggested it prevents it showing in the admin site.

  • Scheduled task not triggered automatically when context set to live site
    Question Feb 20, 2024
    I have a scheduled task which is running with context: live site. On my local machine, DEV & UAT (Azure web app) this works. However on production, the task is never triggered automatically. The task is triggered when setting context to CMS but I need live site context for t...

  • Kentico Claim based Configuration.
    Question Jun 3, 2024
    Hi Team, we are configuring our application to use the Single sign-on (SSO) authentication azure using the Claims Based Authentication for this we are following the curreent Configuration : identity Provider uri : https://login.microsoftonline.com/Directory Id/wsfed ...

  • Emails not sending over weekend.
    Question Jul 8, 2024
    Having an intermittent issue where emails from the CMS get stuck in a sort of purgatory. They are not sent by the scheduled task until the email queue is checked manually, then they are sent to the SMTP server. Oddly enough this behavior seems to happen most often over weeke...

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