• MVC Widgets: Structure and Best Practices
    Article Mar 15, 2019
    This article will provide a break down of the individual components of an MVC widget and provide best practices and items to look out for while developing these powerful components.

  • Using ASP.NET MVC with Kentico CMS
    Article Dec 2, 2010
    We got a lot of questions on how you could use MVC within a Kentico CMS web site. Now it is finally the time for the answer...

  • GET and POST Action Types in MVC
    Question Apr 14, 2020
    Hello Everyone, I am confused about the difference between GET and POST action types? I am learning MVC related questions to crack my upcoming interviews. Can anyone know this, Please suggest.

  • RTE control for kentico12 MVC development
    Question Aug 16, 2019
    Hi all, why kentico 12 still cannot support the RTE control for widgets? Very painful for us when we need to develop our custom RTE control and RTE needed to insert the images from media library. Any idea on this?

  • Working with Product Options and Variants in MVC
    Question Oct 29, 2019
    Hello, I'm running Kentico 12 MVC and I'm trying to implement product options (e.g. accessories) into my ecommerce solution. The Dancing Goat website and the Kentico documentation provide a good example of how to use variants with Product Attributes, but I couldn't find an ex...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Debugging with Glimpse
    Question May 6, 2019
    Hello, If we add Glimpse to our solution during development will this degrade performance if it is in production code? Can we just toggle glimpse off in production and it will not cause any performance issues? I know we should add security to restrict access to the glimpse pa...

  • Retrieve children field values - MVC
    Question Sep 19, 2019
    I have the following hierarchy: Event 1 --Meeting 1 --Meeting 2 .... I am doing the following for extracting the events: var test = EventProvider.GetEvents() .AddColumns("EventTitle") .Sel...

  • K12 MVC Widget Cultureinfo issue
    Question Jul 30, 2019
    Hi all, When we run query to get data from content tree in custom form component class, UI culture (en-GB) is added to query. Our query do not set for culture. MultiDocumentQuery query = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments() .Path(productPath, ...

  • Build a Portal Engine widget in MVC
    Article Apr 18, 2019
    Have you ever used a Portal Engine web part that did almost the thing you wanted, but not quite? Do you remember the CSS list menu generating all kinds of CSS classes except the ones your front-end designer wants? Or all the sleepless nights trying to fine-tune Repeaters? Wil...

  • Kentico 12 MVC - CKeditor for widgets
    Question Jan 30, 2019
    Hello, is it possible to use the CKeditor in an MVC Application for widgets (as an inline editor)? I would like to insert images from a media gallery and insert internal links (page tree) and external links. kind regards

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