• Smart Search Analyzer Type Question
    Question Oct 7, 2014
    I am searching product documents, using a custom document type. I have tried all of the difference analyzer types, finally settling on "Subset". The string I am looking for is in the format **XX-1234**. I would assume based on the description of the "Subset" type that this ...

  • Windows Azure and Smart search errors
    Knowledge Base Article Oct 20, 2013
    This article summarizes some suggestions you can try when dealing with errors related to Smart search module on Kentico CMS instances deployed to Azure.

  • Smart search - variable number of results
    Knowledge Base Article Feb 24, 2014
    This article desribes the reason why the total number of results might change when you go through the individual pages.

  • Smart search index with "-" character in conrtent
    Question Mar 12, 2018
    Hi, I'm facing with smart search index required hyphen ("-") in the content. I have a string "PPG1149-6" in a document, and I need to search that document by enter 1149-6. However, Search Index API return empty value. I used Luke Tool to check what was added to "_content" ...

  • Smart Search Filter to Display Users
    Question Jun 17, 2015
    Hello! I currently have a smart search filter that filters by classnames, to display only news, blog posts, wiki articles, etc. I've been trying to add an option to display only users, but I've been unable to figure out how to define the filter. I some of the things I alrea...

  • Selecting a Particular Smart Search Index
    Question Apr 5, 2018
    We have Three indexes one that indexes Assets, one that indexes pages, one that indexes events. I want to allow the user to use a checkbox list to show either Just one of the indexes or Two of the indexes or All three by default. It looks as though the Indexes are handled by t...

  • Smart Search MVC System.FormatException Error
    Question Apr 21, 2016
    I'm trying to get results from a call to SearchService.Search following the example from Kentico's 9 Documentation [link text](https://docs.kentico.com/display/K9/Providing+smart+search+on+MVC+sites). The issue I'm having is that when the results are returned I get a server er...

  • Smart Search Frequently Asked Questions
    Knowledge Base Article Mar 7, 2016
    In this article I would like to focus on Smart search. I will cover some of the most common requirements of our clients. 

  • Smart Search Filter Postback Problem
    Question Mar 18, 2015
    Hi there, I have a problem with my SmartSearch filtering at the moment. On my page I have: 1. Two SmartSearchFilter controls in dropdown mode. One is a list of Page Types, the other is a list of Content Owners. The dropdowns write the current selection to a cookie that ...

  • Smart Search API Where Condition
    Question Jun 13, 2019
    Hello, I'm using Kentico API to search for some results. The problem is that something is not working as expected. For one of my custom page types I added new field called ProjectCompletion (data type: Date). Field is optional, so in database you may have a date, null or empt...

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