• Connection timeout when running database configuration
    Question Nov 16, 2020
    I'm trying to work through the installation/configuration but I get this error during database creation: ``` at CMS.DataEngine.SqlInstallationHelper.ImportDefaultData(IDataConnection connection, String dataFolder, LogMessage log, String defaultErrorMessage) at CMS.DataPro...

  • Timeout with error msg: Validation of viewstate MAC failed...
    Knowledge Base Article Nov 24, 2008
    Error message: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

  • Corrupted Page Templates App
    Question Jun 4, 2018
    I have witnessed corrupted Page Templates app on a few Kentico websites, , which shows a repeating end-less list... It's hard to explain, please see the image below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-rOIPoU54Py2uwXcZ-k1NRpcSGLaxh4q/view This screenshot is for a Kentico 8.1 w...

  • Culture Issue
    Question May 19, 2016
    I face an issue which importing kentico website in to new kentico server, when I go to the site and try to add culture the following error appear to me, could any when help please: Server Error in '/' Application. Incorrect syntax near ')'. Description: An unhandled exception...

  • RE:Macro OrderCustomData
    Forum Post Jul 11, 2011
    I did try that and it didn't work. The order.ordercustomdata is a Kentico data macro not a custom macro. # will not work to resolve it.

  • Getting 504 request getway timeout issue.
    Question Sep 4, 2019
    Hi All, While creating any article or publishing any article. sometime i am getting below issue. Can you please help me out below issue. Thanks, Harshal An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details. Message: [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query...

  • Re: Integrating with existing Forms authentication.
    Forum Post Aug 9, 2005
    I got it to semi-work. I can't use our forms authentication and the CMS authentication at the same time, but the CMS authentication is only used administratively, and not by our customers, so that is not a problem. My forms authentication occupies the main section of the w...

  • TimeOut in Custom event handlers
    Forum Post Nov 27, 2006
    Hi I have problem with "Custom event handlers" In CMS project i add my Project (write in Visual basic.Net) in CustomDataHandler class in function OnAfterInsert i add code for call my Vb Function - this is function : Public Sub OnInsertDocumentItem(ByVal dataObj As O...

  • v. 6 to v. 7 SQL Errors
    Forum Post Jun 26, 2013
    Hi, When attempting to upgrade our system from 6 to 7 I am getting the following errors: Running SQL script (upgrade_6_0.sql) Failed to run SQLscript: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.CMS_Role' and the...

  • RE:Adding navigation to a slider
    Forum Post Jan 22, 2014
    And I have found this: C:\inetpub\WeRCodez\App_Themes\WRC\scripts\global.js // Pass reference to jQuery and Namespace (function($, APP) { // DOM Ready Function $(function() { APP.OfficeMap.init(); APP.Toggles.init(); APP.Form.init(); ...

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