• Kentico 10 MVC Image resizing
    Question Jan 31, 2017
    I'm using the new methods available in MVC to reference images in the media library: Url.Kentico().ImageUrl(banner.BackgroundImageMobile.ToLower(), SizeConstraint.MaxWidthOrHeight(768)) The image loads fine but does not resize with the constraint on it. Do I have to add ...

  • k12 MVC approach AMP implementation
    Question Aug 19, 2019
    Hi All, We are about to implement AMP for mobile pages in K12 MVC development. We’ve figured out that output-filers is only available for portal engine as per below link. https://docs.kentico.com/k12/configuring-kentico/using-output-filters Does K12 MVC approach supported ...

  • Multi-sites in kentico 12 mvc
    Question Dec 7, 2020
    Is there a place that lists out the steps to set up multiple sites in an mvc project? We have a site running in kentico 12 and we want to create a second one in the installation. I'm not terribly familiar with setting up mvc sites and want to make sure I add all the needed p...

  • Culture compare Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Mar 29, 2019
    Is any one know if we will have the compare button to compara pages in diferent cultures for Kentico 12 MVC?

  • Security Checklist Kentico 12 MVC
    Question Apr 28, 2021
    Hi, Do you have any security checklist for Kentico 12 MVC Site deployment (v12.0.93) ? Regards, Geo

  • New MVC site on Kentico 11
    Question Oct 12, 2018
    Hi We are currently using Kentico 11 for our main website and are about to develop another site on the same instance. This new site will be heavily integrated with external systems. Due to coming up release of Kentico 12, we are considering developing the new site on MVC. Ar...

  • Get media Url in MVC project
    Question Dec 28, 2016
    Hi, I have two separate projects, one for K10 and an other for Mvc. I have followed the stepts to setup the projects as discribed here: https://docs.kentico.com/k10/developing-websites/developing-sites-using-asp-net-mvc/starting-with-mvc-development In Document type I have ...

  • Problem running smart searches in MVC
    Question Feb 27, 2018
    I am having trouble getting a smart search's results to display in an MVC site, probably because the index itself is not created, but searched for in the MVC application. I have a running MVC application, and now I followed the steps described based on the learning applicati...

  • How to create sitemalxml in kentico mvc
    Question Mar 27, 2019
    please anyone can help to create sitemapxml in my mvc site, i have search but in documentation its uses web parts but i'm using mvc how can i add sitemap in mvc without webparts???

  • MVC returning ~/ in urls. Output filter?
    Question Jul 13, 2015
    Hi all, I have an MVC controller querying some page HTML content and passing it to a page in JSON. When the content is returned, it has: ~/image.png instead of: http://site/image.png Note that I don't mean converting relative links to absolute. This content is par...

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